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TV and Film Trivia


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The continuity director must be the laziest job in movies. One below "prop".


Script supervisor is a pretty mentally demanding job- I tried it once and couldn't do it at all. You sit there with a script keeping track of what's being covered in this shot, who's in frame, what lines they are saying and anything they say differently, and then you have to worry about things like body position. To top it off you are editing in your head so you can tell the director if he's missed a shot or if he's crossed the axis of action. Also you have a stopwatch and are writing down the exact times of each take, and you are telling the slate guy and sound people what scene/take number is up.


The cigarette should really be the art department's worry. It's their prop so they should keep track of it.

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  • 1 month later...

Taxi Driver - ''You talkin' to me!?''


Goodfellas - ''Funny how...?''


Casablanca - ''Here's looking at you kid''


The Shining - ''Heeere's Johnny!''


Indiana Jones shooting the swordsman


None of the above appeared in original scripts, they were improvised by the actors in rehearsal or during filming.

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In Silence Of The Lambs, Hannibal Lecter is introduced to Clarice (and the viewer) whilst standing in the middle of his cell, stock still, just staring as she approaches. Anthony Hopkins asked to try this in one take, rather than be seated whilst waiting for Clarice. The idea is to make Lecter immediately sinister.

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The chap in Predator who played Billy had to have a bodyguard with him at all times - to protect other people.


Sonny Landham. He has a tiny part as a cop in the warriors.


John Tutoro is an extra in exterminator 2, which has a park scene as good as Black Dynamites. I'm sure John would rather you knew he was in Exterminator 2 than the transformers movies.

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Ray Liotta was the top choice to play Tony Soprano but he turned it down stating he did not want to commit to a television series.


Steve Van Zandt (Silvio) in The Sopranos,was a member of Springsteens E Street Band, he had never acted before but got the part as David Chase was a fan of his music


Tony's boat is called "The Stugots". "Stugots" derives from the Italian phrase "questo cazzo" meaning "this dick"

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Each of the Corrs are in the film The Commitments.


Andrea Corr (lead vocals & tin whistle) plays Jimmy's little sister Sharon. Jim Corr (guitar) is part of the Avant-Garde-A-Clue Band. Caroline Corr (drums) appears in the audience during the performance of "I Never Loved A Man". Finally, Sharon Corr (violin) can be seen playing violin with the country & western band that Bernie joins at the end of the film.

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Each of the Corrs are in the film The Commitments.


Andrea Corr (lead vocals & tin whistle) plays Jimmy's little sister Sharon. Jim Corr (guitar) is part of the Avant-Garde-A-Clue Band. Caroline Corr (drums) appears in the audience during the performance of "I Never Loved A Man". Finally, Sharon Corr (violin) can be seen playing violin with the country & western band that Bernie joins at the end of the film.


Whenever the corrs are mentioned that Donna Air interview is the first thing i think of. Still makes me chuckle.

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  • 6 months later...
Only Fools and Horses. The famous clip of Del falling through the bar was not acting also David Jason was NOT the original Del Boy.


It was acting, definitely. It was done in front of a live audience. David Jason was not offered the role of Del Boy first, it was offered to Jim Broadbent who went on to play Roy Slater. Jim Broadbent turned it down. Ray Butt convinced John Sullivan to give the role to David Jason.

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It was acting, definitely. It was done in front of a live audience. David Jason was not offered the role of Del Boy first, it was offered to Jim Broadbent who went on to play Roy Slater. Jim Broadbent turned it down. Ray Butt convinced John Sullivan to give the role to David Jason.


seriously mate it wasnt acted it happened.

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Peter Ostrum, who played Charlie Bucket in Mel Stuart's beloved Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory (1971), was offered a three-movie contract after the success of the film, but turned it down. He never acted again, and is now a veterinarian for large animals in rural New York state

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It was acted.


it wasnt it was on some thing i watch with them all talking about it. I used to collect the magazine the one with the DVDS it was on one of them.

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Simon, it doesn't surprise me in the slightest that you're the type of person who buys those DVD/Mag combos that are an outrageous rip-off.


I was doing my paper round at the time i was 13.

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it wasnt it was on some thing i watch with them all talking about it. I used to collect the magazine the one with the DVDS it was on one of them.




50 seconds in.


You stand corrected. I seen every episode of OFAH at least 5 times and the story of OFAH, which is that clip posted, about 6 or 7 times. You'll hear the phrase "meticulously planned" in there too.


YouTube - Only Fools And Horses - The Making - Part 7

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Tom Cruise and Madonna were considered for the parts of Henry and Karen Hill in Goodfellas



If they'd have done that, they should have gone the whole hog and cast Bobby Ball as Tommy and the bloke who plays Zak Dingle as Jimmy.




Ray Liotta got the role of Henry off the back of his performance in Something Wild. That's my contribution to this thread.

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If they'd have done that, they should have gone the whole hog and cast Bobby Ball as Tommy and the bloke who plays Zak Dingle as Jimmy.


Tommy: Do you think I'm funny?

Henry: No. Fuck off.


The world would have missed a classic scene for sure.

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Tommy: Do you think I'm funny?

Henry: No. Fuck off.


The world would have missed a classic scene for sure.

The do you think I'm funny scene was based on something Joe Pesci saw in a restaurant the night before and was not part of the script, Ray Liotta's part in it was improvised.
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