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TV and Film Trivia


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Taxi Driver was supposed to be for Harvey Kettle, Scorsese didn't want to do Raging Bull, Lois Lane was a superbad coke head and a bit of an easy rider, Dennis Hopper got sectioned and was a spherical cunt by all accounts,


All this useless shit and more can be yours via Easy Riders, Raging Bulls - top fucking book.

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Sean Connery wore a wig in every Bond film he was in.


At one point, Jim Carrey and his family lived in a car and they all worked as janitors at a factory to make a living. As a child, Jim wore tap dancing shoes to bed, just in case his parents needed cheering up in the middle of the night.


the name "Indiana Jones" came from the name of producer George Lucas' pet Malamute.




In Forrest Gump, when Forrest goes to see Jenny toward the end, in one scene, in Jenny's apartment, the iron is up, later, the iron is faced down.



In "Cliff Hanger" when the girl is dangling off Stallone’s arm, the camera flashes to the chopper and the old man in the picture is laughing.


Scooby Doo's first real name is Scoobert.

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At the end of the opening scene of the Departed the cigarette in Nicholson's mouth disappears as the camera angle changes.




Weird how with so many people working on a film stuff like this still slips through.

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The wife of Walton Goggins, who played Shane in The Shield, killed herself in 2004 by throwing herself off an LA skyscraper, she was clinically depressed.


His teeth are the way they are because he had dental reconstruction after they were knocked out twice as a kid, first by a baseball bat at a game when he was 11, then in the baths. The daft shit.

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Mel Blanc, who played the voice of Bugs Bunny, was allergic to carrots.



In Terminator 2 - Judgement Day, Arnold Schwarzenegger received a salary of $15 million; the 700 words he spoke translates to $21,429 per word. "Hasta la vista, baby" thus cost $85,716.



In the film Titanic The pipe frames supporting the third class berths have set-screw speed rail fittings, not developed until 1946.



When Dorothy first enters Munchkinland, she places her arm around Toto. In the very next shot, her arm is immediately extended again.



When Wolverine notices the farmer's motorcycle, he calls it a chopper. Choppers do not have a rear suspension. This motorcycle is a cruiser with rear suspension, which also allowed it to jump more safely than a chopper would. Earlier choppers were WWII surplus motorcycles from which the rear shocks were chopped off, hence their name.

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According to Tony Soprano's backstory, the pinky ring he wears once belonged to his father Johnny Boy Soprano, and was the first thing he ever bought with his ill-gotten gains. If you look closely Tony always turns it around before he hits someone.


In the episode Pine Barrens (the one where Paulie and Christopher get lost in the woods) there's a scene where Bobby Bacala comes into Junior's kicthen wearing hunting gear and Tony breaks down in stitches. To get that effect, and unknown to James Gandolfini (Tony) the actor who plays Bobby was actually wearing a wig of dreadlocks and had a two-foot-long dildo hanging out the front of his pants. If you watch the scene you can see Junior smiling and trying not to piss himself.

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In one scene in The Karate Kid, Daniel nips at his Bonsai tree with Mr. Miyagi clearly visible in the bakground, when the camera flips back there is a black guy with a moustache and gold hoop earing sitting there.


As Daniel gets out of his mom's car for his first date with Ali, his shoes are white. When we see him being introduced to Ali's parents, his shoes have changed to brown. It's widely accepted that he Shat himself on the date.


The Running Man:

In the helicopter, Ben says, "I will not kill helpless people"; in the game show with the original "uncensored" footage of the massacre he says, "I will not kill helpless human beings."


In the uncensored version of the Bakersfield massacre, it shows the man knocking out Ben with his gun from Ben's point-of-view, which is not a view the camera could see from

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I fucking love film trivia, the IMDB is my friend.


Enforcement Droid 209's voice is that of producer Jon Davison, its growls are of a jaguar, and its squeals are of a pig. ED-209's body was based on the design of a Bell helicopter and the overall appearance is reminiscent of a line of toys named "Robotech" (1985) which were based on a 1980s Japanese anime series.

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The repeated line 'I'd buy that for a dollar!' comes from Cyril M. Kornbluth's short story 'The Marching Morons', which presents a similarly cynical view of an over-commercialized future that's desensitized to violence and war. A radio game show in that short story uses the line 'I'd buy that for a quarter.' as its signature phrase.



The special-effects for the Robocop film were generated on a Commodore Amiga computer.

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Michael Palin was third or fourth choice to do the 'Around the World in 80 days' that launched his half a dozen other travel series'.


First choice was Noel Edmonds.


If a film credits 'Alan Smithee' as the director, it's a pseudonym that means the real director refused to be associated with the finished film.

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Jean Claude Van Damme was originally cast as The Predator...


According to an interview with director John McTiernan, the "hole in the jungle" appearance of the Predator was played by Jean-Claude Van Damme in a "blue screen" (actually red) suit.

Van Damme quit after two days, unhappy with being cast as an uncredited special effect. The alien was scrapped, redesigned and was eventually played by 7'2" Kevin Peter Hall.


he also played bigfoot alongside the hendersons


He is the tallest of six brothers, all over 6' 5".


His father Charles Hall was 6' 6" and his mother Sylvia Hall was 6' 2".


This giant's face was rarely seen in his films, as he usually played monsters and semi-human creatures that required him to wear mounds of make-up, so few people know that he was a handsome and muscular man.


Can be seen in Predator (1987) without costume. He is the helicopter pilot at the end of the film.


He was in a major car accident in Los Angeles. During surgery for his critical wounds, he received a contaminated blood transfusion. He died shortly thereafter of AIDS. He went public with his illness with the full support of his wife.


sad end really....

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Jordan's son Harvey plays the title character in the film Precious. FACT.




He also played Sad Sack from The Raggy Dolls.


I see Heather from Eastenders is taking Robert Downey Jr's lead when it comes to breaking down racial barriers. Fair play to her.

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