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TV and Film Trivia


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The assumption that the Oompa Loompa's (from 'Charlie & The Chocolate Factory') were small is an incorrect one. They were all, in fact, "normal" sized, Gene Wilder and the rest of the non-Oompa Loompa cast actually suffered from giganticism.


Brad Pitt is the King of Namibia.

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Scatman Corruthers was so type-cast, not only did he play a janitor in the shining and One Flew over the cuckoos nest, he was also the mild mannered janitor voice of Hong Kong Phooey.

He also had a fucking brilliant name.


He played Sam in the TV show of Casablanca as well.

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George Lucas originally planned to have Wookies on the forest moon instead of Ewoks, which, let's be honest, would have been a billion times better and more realistic than seeing the Galactic Empire's finest troops being beaten to death by 2 foot tall teddy bears armed with sticks. That fact still pisses me off today! Lucas, you cunt.


To be fair he did build them in his own image:



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Scatman Corruthers was so type-cast, not only did he play a janitor in the shining and One Flew over the cuckoos nest, he was also the mild mannered janitor voice of Hong Kong Phooey.

He also had a fucking brilliant name.


Pedantry alert!


He played the hotel's chef. Jack Nicholson was the caretaker.

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  • 2 months later...

James Cameron originally wanted Billy Idol to play the role of the T-1000 in Terminator 2, but he was in a road smash. He then toyed with the idea of casting Michael Biehn in the role, and giving the explanation that Skynet had sampled Kyle Reese's DNA for the job, but felt the audience would find it too confusing. What audience are we talking about here? Big Brother's?



T-1000 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Director James Cameron had originally chosen rock musician Billy Idol to play the T-1000 and had drawn storyboards to resemble him, but a serious automobile accident prevented Idol from accepting the role.[7] On the Terminator 2 DVD, writer/director James Cameron describes his casting of Robert Patrick as a deliberate contrast to the original Terminator character portrayed by Arnold Schwarzenegger: "I wanted to find someone who would be a good contrast to Arnold. If the 800 series is a kind of human Panzer tank, then the 1000 series had to be a Porsche." Originally, he thought of casting actor Michael Biehn, who played Kyle Reese in The Terminator, in the role with the explanation that Skynet managed to clone Reese's body and use it for a new Terminator. Cameron ultimately dropped this idea after deciding the audience would find it too confusing.

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Michael J Fox wasn't the original Marty McFly. Director Robert Zemeckis filmed with Eric Stoltz in the role for 3 weeks, before getting rid because Stoltz was shit in the role. Stoltz later played Vincent's drug dealer in Pulp Fiction ("Get me a fucking felt pen. A Magic marker!").

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Sofia Coppola was in both The Godfather and The Godfather Part III. In Part III she played Mary Corleone (not particularly well), and in the original she played baby Anthony in the baptism scene.


She's also one of only 3 women ever to be nominated for the Best Director Academy Award for Lost in Translation.

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Mike Myers, Ewan McGregor, Sydney Pollack, Warren Beatty, Dennis Franz, Ralph Fiennes and Michael Douglas. Mark Wahlberg, Danny Glover, Bruce Willis, Luke Wilson, Owen Wilson and Alan Arkin were all originally offered roles in Ocean's 11.


Willis was cast, but had to pull out due to scheduling conflicts. Matt Damon's part of the pick pocket was meant for Mark Wahlberg. Luke Wilson and Owen Wilson were supposed to play the brothers Virgil and Turk, but dropped out to film The Royal Tenenbaums. Danny Glover, who was originally slated to play the part of Frank Catton, also declined in order to appear in The Royal Tenenbaums.

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No one really knew who Samuel L. Jackson was until 1994, when Pulp Fiction was released. By then, he was 46 years old. By 2006, twelve years after his break-out role in Pulp Fiction, Samuel L. Jackson’s films had grossed more money at the box office than any other actor in cinematic history (more than $3 billion). He has never won an Oscar.
Said actor almost lost the part after someone else auditioned for it. When he heard the news Jackson flew to LA and auditioned for the part again. (thank fuck)


Also its bollocks that all the clocks in Pulp Fiction were set to the same time.


I don't ever see Pulp Fiction being displaced from my best top ten films.

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