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Least Funny Comedian Ever?


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How could anyone without a custom title be taken seriously?


They couldn't.


I'm still thinking.


Perhaps I will have someone a custom title competition in the near future where I will have someone a competition and the winner gets access to the other person's custom title.

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I wouldn't know I never watched dinner ladies.


Caroline Ahern was always the lamest characters in the Fast Show. Mrs Merton? Shit. Royle family? Shit.


Thats like saying you don't like Marlon Brando because you've never watched Superman.


Not the worst but....




Definitely the most overrated. Bring it on.


And you're fishing or have no comedy bone.

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Guest PaddyBerger15
I wouldn't know I never watched dinner ladies.


Caroline Ahern was always the lamest characters in the Fast Show. Mrs Merton? Shit. Royle family? Shit.


If you've never seen Dinnerladies, then you have missed a treat Remmstein, it was a smashing little sitcom.

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I guess Stouffer won't agree with me either. I just don't find him funny. But that's what the comedy world is like. It's like when people say Jimmy Carr is shit whereas I think he is the best comedian out there.


You've properly gone wrong since you turned 18.

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Guest PaddyBerger15
I strongly disagree with that statement.


each to their own I guess mate. For me, it was a very well written, well observed sitcom with excellent characters and scripts and the acting was very good. The characters were believable as was the setting.

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and add Les Dennis to the list aswell....what a fucking Penguin polisher he is/was.


Les Dennis' comedy career went up in smoke when Mavis left Coronation Street, as it was literally the only impression or comedy act he could perform.


Is Julian Clarey calssed as a comedian? Cos I'd put him on here with a good shout too if he is.


"I bent over the other day for a small boy...to give him a pat on the head!"

"Like the Irish, I do like a bit of crack"

"I spotted someone selling gobstoppers the other day, I do so like having hard things in my mouth"


hahaha how lovely.

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Guest PaddyBerger15
Les Dennis' comedy career went up in smoke when Mavis left Coronation Street, as it was literally the only impression or comedy act he could perform.


Is Julian Clarey calssed as a comedian? Cos I'd put him on here with a good shout too if he is.


"I bent over the other day for a small boy...to give him a pat on the head!"

"Like the Irish, I do like a bit of crack"

"I spotted someone selling gobstoppers the other day, I do so like having hard things in my mouth"


hahaha how lovely.


Julian fucking Clary...if anybody deserves bad, barbed wire, nob AIDS its him.

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Women make fucking shit comediennes (I much preferred that title over comedian so I could reach for the remote control before their actual name was given out - "...and please welcome onto the stage one of britain's funniest comediennes...click").


Of all the shit ones, of which there are many, it stuns me that any bloke could find Victoria fucking Wood even remotely smirkworthy. Caroline Ahern is woefully unfunny as every single second of the Royle Family bears testament to. Jo Brand - honestly, just fuck off. And that Ronnie Ancona who supported that talentless impressionist wanker actually made him look funny, she was that fucking shit.


Note to women - don't try and be funny, because you are shit at it.


Of the blokes - that irritating camp fuckwit that was on Jonathan Ross the other night, Something Carr - what a fucking one trick I'm gay as fuck ergo funny pony cunt. He'll be another Clary/Norton this time next year.

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