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6 hours ago, Karl_b said:


I enjoyed it, but agree it isn't doing anything new with the franchise. With it coming to streaming platforms I've been rewatching all of the Alien films in release order before getting to Romulus again.


Alien and Aliens are obviously sensational.


Alien3 is an interesting concept, poorly executed in places and with the god awful opening premise.


Alien Resurrection and Alien Vs Predator are steaming piles of acid blood.


I love all the lore and world building, because I love deep sci-fi novels/series, so can get on board with it. I find all the "engineer" stuff fascinating and might start delving in to more of the books, short films and graphic novels set around it all.

I love alien 3 it's flawed but I love the set up of catching the alien, the chase through the corridors each terrified convict having to run their section.

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14 hours ago, VladimirIlyich said:

Godzilla is taking on some very deep and complicated themes. What next? Jaws was bulemic and binge ate?


Jaws is actually full of subtext, which makes it so great. The book is apparently only about shark being a cunt.

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On 05/12/2024 at 20:56, Bjornebye said:

Yeah it’s ok. Act of Valour is better and I think Zero Dark Thirty is brilliant 

Act of Valour is decent, remember watching thinking some of the acting and dialoge a bit wooden and that, but found out most of them were active or ex Seals.

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1 minute ago, Jamie H said:

Act of Valour is decent, remember watching thinking some of the acting and dialoge a bit wooden and that, but found out most of them were active or ex Seals.

The hostage rescue mission at the start in the jungle was superb. How many bullets did that gun boat fire per second ffs! 

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52 minutes ago, SasaS said:


Jaws is actually full of subtext, which makes it so great. The book is apparently only about shark being a cunt.

Brett Mills wrote a great article about Jaws from the shark's point of view.

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Conclave - 8.5/10. Skullduggery at the Vatican as the incumbent Pope heads north and the Cardinals congregate for some good old-fashioned backstabbing. Probably best described as a political thriller. Very good script and cast.

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Charlie Wilsons war. 8/10.

Another Tom classic which I hadn't seen. Just shows how fucked this world is when that much money can be spent on war, what is it good for?


A break from Tom season.

Gladiator 2. 4/10. Underwhelming to say the least.  For me it was just a rip off from Spartacus, tv series, which pissed all over this even if Lucy Lawless hadn't shown her tits and muff.

So no Maximus, I was not entertained.

Score awarded for how many banners the first film inspired.

Also, Matt Lucas has stole a living 

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8 hours ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:

The Mechanic


1970s Charles Branson as a hitman, co-starring a young Jan-Michael Vincent. It's been a while since I've seen a Michael Winner film, and I was wondering if they were as bad as I remembered. This was worse.


Ha ha, I watched this yesterday & you've written my review for me.

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Went to see It's A Wonderful Life at the Plaza last night. The best bit wasn't in the film though, it was the unbridled joy of a ten year old when he won a Liverpool shirt signed by Jurgen Klopp in the raffle that was drawn before the picture started.

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