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Alien Romulus. Felt like the whole film was a.. previously on Alien! Just a montage catchup of every other alien film. Put it in the fucking airlock and finish off the story involving David the synthetic, for fuck sake you gave the son of a bitch a giant ship with 2000 people to experiment on you have the basis for the ultimate fucking monster setting right there.

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6 hours ago, Strontium said:


Never seen it, because frankly life's too short, but I'm led to believe the sequels are even worse.


Peter Bradshaw's review of the third is quite scathing:

Like a John Lewis Christmas ad directed by Satan, the third Nativity movie has arrived on our screens. This is one of those British family comedies that make you want to soil the Union flag with your own faeces in the cinema foyer before setting fire to it.

No worse than attending a Celtic home game.

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8 minutes ago, Strontium said:


One is a barely-watchable spectacle with rowdy, irritating children, and the other is a movie franchise.

You had to post that because you've been feeling uncomfortable ever since @Bjornebye agreed with you about Emily.


Normal service resumed.

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1 hour ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

Alien Romulus. Felt like the whole film was a.. previously on Alien! Just a montage catchup of every other alien film. Put it in the fucking airlock and finish off the story involving David the synthetic, for fuck sake you gave the son of a bitch a giant ship with 2000 people to experiment on you have the basis for the ultimate fucking monster setting right there.


I've not been in any rush to see this. It feels like this happens far too much now; studios just serve up a compilation of best bits, story beats and favourite lines rather than come up with something original. People decry Alien3 and Predator 2, but at least they were attempts to take the stories from the previous films in different directions.

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Watched a few films recently but nothing anybody most people won’t have seen so only scores…


Fellowship Of The Ring - 10/10

The Two Towers - 9/10

Return Of The King - 9.5/10

Interstellar - 9/10


I’ve tried Megapolis about 3 times so far and have been asleep before Aubrey Plaza comes into it.

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1 hour ago, Scott_M said:

I’ve tried Megapolis about 3 times so far and have been asleep before Aubrey Plaza comes into it.

Bored on a train and remembered I had this on my iPad so I put it on again. 

Plaza comes into after 8 minutes, which shows how quickly I was dropping off to it.


I’ve not watched an > 1 hour of it and I won’t be finishing it. 

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Also watched this…




…like Part 1, it’s more faithful to the comic than the Snyder film is but doesn’t really offer anything extra on top of the live action film. 

It’s good like, I enjoyed both parts, it just doesn’t do enough to differentiate between the Snyder movie. 

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Armour - 6/10. Alcoholic cop turned rent-a-cop, Jason Patrick, and the C-List actor playing his son, face off against an armoured car heist team led by Sly Stallone.

I shit you not, it’s either him or his doppelgänger, but one of the heist team is Ped from Toffee TV. I’m fucking telling you, it’s him. His acting is every bit as bad as I’d imagine Ped would be as well.

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1 hour ago, Section_31 said:

13 hours, film about the Bhengazi embassy brouhaha. Nick Sobotca and Jack Ryan were in it. It's okay, but I find these special ops type films repetitive as fuck these days.


Check your six for tangos, weapons free etc and so forth.

Yeah it’s ok. Act of Valour is better and I think Zero Dark Thirty is brilliant 

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12 hours ago, Sut said:

Godzilla Minus One. Loved it. The period setting was used really effectively, and it was interesting to see them deal with postwar malaise, war guilt and nuclear anxiety. Great film.


I don't think there is any war guilt in Japan. I loved how they showed that Japanese babies had to grow up fast during the post-war maiaise, from a newborn to a four-year old in less than 24 months.



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3 hours ago, SasaS said:


I don't think there is any war guilt in Japan. I loved how they showed that Japanese babies had to grow up fast during the post-war maiaise, from a newborn to a four-year old in less than 24 months.



The population were encouraged to bear the guilt for the war crimes carried out in the emperor's name. I felt that this guilt and shame at returning from war in defeat was a theme that echoed Kurosawa's late '40s and early '50s work like Drunken Angel and Stray Dog


That baby was impressive in its development. Possibly radioactive as well.

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I think you may be confusing guilt and shame at coming home from a defeat alive with shame because of war crimes and invasions of other countries.


In Godzilla, the main character feels guilty because he was a coward, didn't carry out his kamikaze mission and froze when he had to fire on Godzilla on the island. Not because he went to war to invade other countries.


The main theme of the film is (apart from how kill the monster obviously), you don't need to die for Japan or the emperor to be a hero. A true hero stays alive, for his family and the love ones.

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On 03/12/2024 at 18:54, Bobby Hundreds said:

Alien Romulus. Felt like the whole film was a.. previously on Alien! Just a montage catchup of every other alien film. Put it in the fucking airlock and finish off the story involving David the synthetic, for fuck sake you gave the son of a bitch a giant ship with 2000 people to experiment on you have the basis for the ultimate fucking monster setting right there.


I enjoyed it, but agree it isn't doing anything new with the franchise. With it coming to streaming platforms I've been rewatching all of the Alien films in release order before getting to Romulus again.


Alien and Aliens are obviously sensational.


Alien3 is an interesting concept, poorly executed in places and with the god awful opening premise.


Alien Resurrection and Alien Vs Predator are steaming piles of acid blood.


I love all the lore and world building, because I love deep sci-fi novels/series, so can get on board with it. I find all the "engineer" stuff fascinating and might start delving in to more of the books, short films and graphic novels set around it all.

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