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We Live In Time.


A romantic drama with Andrew Garfield & Florence Pugh. Only watched this because I fancy Miss Pugh but wish I hadn't bothered. Pointless, sentimental shite & I find it virtually impossible to care about anyone with that fucking posh English accent I hear non-stop every August (Edinburgh Festival).


1.5/10 - Avoid

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Doing a Tom Hanks season.

Philadelphia 9/10. Cried like a baby.

Captain Phillips. 9/10. Great true story.

Da Vinci code. 1/10. An hour too long, fell asleep watching it. 

A man called Otto. 10/10. Going soft in my old age, I think.  Brilliant feel good movie. Makes you laugh and cry.


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25 minutes ago, DalyanPete said:

Doing a Tom Hanks season.

Philadelphia 9/10. Cried like a baby.

Captain Phillips. 9/10. Great true story.

Da Vinci code. 1/10. An hour too long, fell asleep watching it. 

A man called Otto. 10/10. Going soft in my old age, I think.  Brilliant feel good movie. Makes you laugh and cry.


My mate Tom. I went to an evening with him last year at the empire. He was as brilliant as you’d expect. Loved a swear as well and made a point of highlighting our flippant use of the word cunt. 

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10 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

My mate Tom. I went to an evening with him last year at the empire. He was as brilliant as you’d expect. Loved a swear as well and made a point of highlighting our flippant use of the word cunt. 

Wow! Didn't even know he'd been on.

Watched 'News of the world' last year, remember thinking that he just sounds so convincing and entertaining and I'd pay to listen to him, sorry I missed out.

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8 minutes ago, manwiththestick said:

My missus was sat near the front of that. She said it was great.


I'm not a fan of his films after The Burbs but he seem an entertaining guy.

Yeah he was boss. Said one of his favourite songs as a kid was Ferry Across the Mersey. His mum used to play it in the car or it used to be on the radio when he was young and he grew up wondering what this Mersey was. But he was funny, got the hump (jokingly) when everyone started cheering when he mentioned a movie he’d done. He said just cheer at the end but then got to talking about Forest Gump, as soon as he mentioned it the place went wild and he just pissed himself laughing. 

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2 hours ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

The last few minutes where he breaks down after all the preceding aggro raises it from a fairly decent action flick to something far more human, traumatic and real.

Certainly does.

Chose Tom season as its easier than trawling through movies for an hour then watching The Chase because it's too late now!

I asked her what she fancied watching, "that one with the man in"

The world of a woman.

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2 hours ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

The last few minutes where he breaks down after all the preceding aggro raises it from a fairly decent action flick to something far more human, traumatic and real.

He’s superb in that. The thing is with the top actors like him, Pacino, Di Caprio, Denzel, Oldman, Kingsley etc is you forget it’s them quite soon on and completely believe them in the role. Hanks is right up there with the greats. Charlie Wilson’s War is underrated and has a great cheb scene early doors. (One for flesh of the stars) 

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29 minutes ago, Creator Supreme said:

Me and the boss went to see that when were first going out and we both still love it. Superb.


Can't believe that his son in that film is now Clark Kent in that Superman and Lois TV series (if its still going).

Didn't know that, really makes me feel old!

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17 hours ago, Section_31 said:

Nativity, probably the worst film I've ever seen. 


Never seen it, because frankly life's too short, but I'm led to believe the sequels are even worse.


Peter Bradshaw's review of the third is quite scathing:

Like a John Lewis Christmas ad directed by Satan, the third Nativity movie has arrived on our screens. This is one of those British family comedies that make you want to soil the Union flag with your own faeces in the cinema foyer before setting fire to it.

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