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1 hour ago, Sut said:

These are my recent watches:


Coyote Ugly is... not good.  I saw it on a train, dubbed into Spanish, and even though I could only understand half the dialogue I could tell how hackneyed it was.


On a happier note, Benedetta has got some ridiculously fit lasses in it.

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21 minutes ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:


Thief rep. That soundtrack is immense.


On a side note, I was always amazed at how pointy James Caan's shoulders were.

James Caan's skeleton has shoulderpads, and there isn't a film out there that wouldn't be improved by a Tangerine Dream soundtrack (Raiders of the Lost Ark aside, of course).

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Ministry of ungentlemanly warfare. Guy Ritchie wartime effort with a similar tone to Inglorious and Rogue Heroes. It was decent but should have been brilliant. Had all the ingredients to be a cracker but was dull in large parts. Good cast though and great visuals. 6.5 out of 10.

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2 hours ago, Pidge said:


Sweet smell of success is a fucking fantastic film. 


Not sure how Paul WS Anderson dragged three stars out of you for AVP tho

Love that film. It’s great how Brantley works his way up from the mail room into being a corporate big wig. The sexual tension with his Auntie is hilarious as well. Michael J Fox was on a real hot streak when he made it.

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I think you've mixed up Sweet Smell of Success with The Secret of My Success, mate. The former is about a slimy press agent and an even slimier column writer in 50s New York. 


AvP was just a daft, fun picture that didn't just try to shoehorn in as many lines and references from the other Alien or Predator films. It used the original O'Bannon conceit of the alien eggs being located in a pyramid as well, which was cool. 

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20 hours ago, Carvalho Diablo said:


Alien was brilliant.

I totally agree with you about him being washed up now, but BR and Alien are absolutely incredible movies that have barely aged. He hasn't done anything of note since Gladiator and probably should knock it on the head now. 

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2 hours ago, Total Longo said:

I totally agree with you about him being washed up now, but BR and Alien are absolutely incredible movies that have barely aged. He hasn't done anything of note since Gladiator and probably should knock it on the head now. 

The most interesting thing about Ridley Scott is probably the range of different types of films he directs. 
Even since Gladiator he has made Matchstick Men, Black Hawk Down, Body of Lies, American Gangster, The Martian, which were all watchable at worst. 

That’s without going into maybe more divisive ones like Napoleon, The House of Gucci and The Last Duel which some people liked.

No real singular theme, style or vision which most directors have. He’s all over the place.

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6 hours ago, Jose Jones said:

The most interesting thing about Ridley Scott is probably the range of different types of films he directs. 
Even since Gladiator he has made Matchstick Men, Black Hawk Down, Body of Lies, American Gangster, The Martian, which were all watchable at worst. 

That’s without going into maybe more divisive ones like Napoleon, The House of Gucci and The Last Duel which some people liked.

No real singular theme, style or vision which most directors have. He’s all over the place.


Enjoyed The Martian.

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Directed by Alexander MacKendrick as well, who directed some of the best Ealing comedies (Ladykillers and Man in the White suit, which is my favourite) and wrote possibly the greatest book on filmmaking ever written:


On Film-making: An Introduction to the Craft of the Director: Amazon.co.uk: Alexander Mackendrick, Paul Cronin: 9780571211258: Books

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That, Bazin's "What is cinema" and the below would be my top 3. Aristotle's Poetics for screenwriters is very good too.


Cinematography: Theory and Practice: Image Making for Cinematographers and Directors: Amazon.co.uk: Brown, Blain: 9780240812090: Books


Then you have the Hitchcock:Truffaut one, the Wilder:Crowe one and a bunch of great biographies.


Never actually read Easy Riders and Raging Bulls though.

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1 hour ago, Pidge said:

That, Bazin's "What is cinema" and the below would be my top 3. Aristotle's Poetics for screenwriters is very good too.


Cinematography: Theory and Practice: Image Making for Cinematographers and Directors: Amazon.co.uk: Brown, Blain: 9780240812090: Books


Then you have the Hitchcock:Truffaut one, the Wilder:Crowe one and a bunch of great biographies.


Never actually read Easy Riders and Raging Bulls though.

That cinematography one has been on my list for ages. I've John Alston's Painting with Light, which is a brilliant book about golden age Hollywood cinematography.


Hitchcock/Truffaut is a classic. Martin Scorsese's Personal Journey Through American Cinema (I think it's called) is a good read. Easy Riders, Raging Bulls is one of my favourites and you really should check it out.

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