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16 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

It was the acting from the main two for me. I accept it’s probably more an 8/10 than a 9. 

Stan’s role was a difficult balancing act - if he went too far he’d have made Trump the caricature he is today, not far enough and you don’t fully think he’s a cunt. He was very good, I’d have like a bit more “Trump” at the end.

Strong was very good.

Ivanka was the lass from Borat 2.

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21 minutes ago, Scott_M said:

Stan’s role was a difficult balancing act - if he went too far he’d have made Trump the caricature he is today, not far enough and you don’t fully think he’s a cunt. He was very good, I’d have like a bit more “Trump” at the end.

Strong was very good.

Ivanka was the lass from Borat 2.

I think he was much more Trump towards the end. It was the slow growth of bellendary that the film was about. He was almost likeable at the start. 

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22 hours ago, Arniepie said:

gladiator 2

almost a carbon copy of the 1st one but beyond absurd.

the "shark" battle was almost monumentally daft.




Yeah I don't fancy it at all, that Mescal lad is wooden as fuck and there looks like there's about 15 villains in it. 

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2 hours ago, Section_31 said:


Yeah I don't fancy it at all, that Mescal lad is wooden as fuck and there looks like there's about 15 villains in it. 


I don't fancy it as it looks like the most pointless sequel since "Jaws : The Revenge" and the original is pretty much perfect. 



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27 minutes ago, Elite said:

Gladiator 2 - 8/10


I really enjoyed this, was over the top but I don't think that detracted from the movie as a whole. Denzel stole the show though, unreal screen presence.


Watching this now and completely disagree, I think it's horrendous, and your boy Denzel is no fucking Batiatus.


That said, I thought the original film was pretty crap, vastly overrated, and this is just just an amplification of that mess.


Only adds weight to my thoughts that Ridley Scott is a washed up chancer who got lucky with Alien and (the overrated) Blade runner, and who's been serving up dross for the past 40 years.


2/10 and that's being generous

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1 hour ago, Carvalho Diablo said:


Watching this now and completely disagree, I think it's horrendous, and your boy Denzel is no fucking Batiatus.


That said, I thought the original film was pretty crap, vastly overrated, and this is just just an amplification of that mess.


Only adds weight to my thoughts that Ridley Scott is a washed up chancer who got lucky with Alien and (the overrated) Blade runner, and who's been serving up dross for the past 40 years.


2/10 and that's being generous

*Thumbs down*

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10 hours ago, Mook said:

Rosie Plays Julie, a 2019 Irish film by two of the people involved with Kin. This was pretty heavy going with some really nice cinematography, a girl goes off to find her real Mum only to discover a load of skeletons in the closet. 7/10

her mum died in an orgy? 

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On 17/11/2024 at 00:40, Strontium said:


People accuse me of being argumentative, but here we have people arguing over my review of a film they haven't even seen. Ho hum.


You know what the New Atheism movement is. Dawkins, Hitchens, and that lot. You're not so old that you can't remember the backlash that people like that got in the United States when they started writing critically about religion. Back when only about 6% of Americans identified as irreligious, compared to around a quarter now.

It's not an age thing; I didn't notice at the time.  Obviously, I was aware that those people existed and (in the case of Dawkins, at least) that they'd started writing about Atheism; I don't think I ever heard (or paid attention to) any talk of a "New Atheist Movement".  Maybe in navel-gazing circles that sort of stuff caused a ripple, but I've never given that much weight to the musings of "the Commentariat".


Are you implying that the writings of Dawkins, Hitchens, etc, effected that change in the USA?  I'd like to see more evidence before I accept a claim like that.


I'm not arguing over your review of the film: I'm disputing your assertion that a film that's heavily critical of religion couldn't have been made 20 years ago.  There have been films critical of religion, in one way or another, for decades.

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9 minutes ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

It's not an age thing; I didn't notice at the time.  Obviously, I was aware that those people existed and (in the case of Dawkins, at least) that they'd started writing about Atheism; I don't think I ever heard (or paid attention to) any talk of a "New Atheist Movement".  Maybe in navel-gazing circles that sort of stuff caused a ripple, but I've never given that much weight to the musings of "the Commentariat".


Are you implying that the writings of Dawkins, Hitchens, etc, effected that change in the USA?  I'd like to see more evidence before I accept a claim like that.


I'm not arguing over your review of the film: I'm disputing your assertion that a film that's heavily critical of religion couldn't have been made 20 years ago.  There have been films critical of religion, in one way or another, for decades.


They wrote on buses. As you well know, that works.

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On 21/11/2024 at 18:18, Carvalho Diablo said:


Watching this now and completely disagree, I think it's horrendous, and your boy Denzel is no fucking Batiatus.


That said, I thought the original film was pretty crap, vastly overrated, and this is just just an amplification of that mess.


Only adds weight to my thoughts that Ridley Scott is a washed up chancer who got lucky with Alien and (the overrated) Blade runner, and who's been serving up dross for the past 40 years.


2/10 and that's being generous


Negged for saying Gladiator is "a mess" and Blade Runner is overrated.


It was Scott, Derek Vanlint and HR Giger that made Alien so good. I don't think he got lucky at all.   

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10 minutes ago, Total Longo said:


Negged for saying Gladiator is "a mess" and Blade Runner is overrated.


It was Scott, Derek Vanlint and HR Giger that made Alien so good. I don't think he got lucky at all.   


Surely Dan O'Bannon too, who first wrote it with Carpenter as a comedy in Dark Star.

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6 minutes ago, SasaS said:


Surely Dan O'Bannon too, who first wrote it with Carpenter as a comedy in Dark Star.


Obviously, but like Blade Runner, that had rewrite after rewrite. My point was that in the hands of another director it may not have been anywhere near as good.  

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21 minutes ago, Total Longo said:


Obviously, but like Blade Runner, that had rewrite after rewrite. My point was that in the hands of another director it may not have been anywhere near as good.  


He is certainly a good director who was in top form at the time and directed two great films which turned out to be extremely influential.


Gladiator on the other hand, is a bit overrated.

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