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On 12/11/2024 at 22:51, Strontium said:

Heretic - 3.5/4

Hugh Grant's charming Englishman act is slyly subverted in this horror, in which two young Mormon missionaries make the mistake of trying to convert him. It's a very wordy film, which won't be to everyone's tastes, but ultimately it is a smart satire of organised religion that couldn't have been made 20 years ago. I can't imagine anyone other than Grant in the title role; he is perfectly cast here, but all the performances are top drawer. Really good fun.


Been looking forward to this one. I'm interested to know why - without spoilers, obviously - you don't think it could've been made 20 years ago?

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34 minutes ago, Carvalho Diablo said:



The Pope is dead and Ralph Feinnes must lead the search for next.


Sounds boring, but it really isn't; Feinnes is excellent and the politics and skillduggery involved really pulled me in until I was rivetted.


Guaranteed to boil maximum gammon piss.


8/10 Kodi Seren RD

I saw the trailer for this yesterday and I thought it looked like a good film. Looked to me like one of those films that the Oscars would love. 

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1 hour ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:

Been looking forward to this one. I'm interested to know why - without spoilers, obviously - you don't think it could've been made 20 years ago?


I feel like a film as openly critical of religion as this would not have been made before the New Atheist movement made it okay to do so. 

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1 hour ago, Vincent Vega said:

I saw the trailer for this yesterday and I thought it looked like a good film. Looked to me like one of those films that the Oscars would love. 


It's very good but falls a bit short imo, some excellent performances though and it looks fantastic.


Interested to hear what you and some others think of it mate.

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The Apprentice. 

I’d give anything to see Trumps face change as he watched this. Story of Trumps rise to prominence and his relationship with his lawyer Roy Cohn. I’d be surprised if there isn’t a lawsuit or two heading the directors way. Superb acting from Sebastian Stan and Jeremy Strong. Trump is such a fucking cunt. 


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3 hours ago, Strontium said:


I feel like a film as openly critical of religion as this would not have been made before the New Atheist movement made it okay to do so. 

I'm not convinced.  There have been dramas and comedies critical of religion for decades.


I've never heard of the New Atheist movement, but I've heard of these films.



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54 minutes ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

I'm not convinced.  There have been dramas and comedies critical of religion for decades.


I've never heard of the New Atheist movement, but I've heard of these films.



There's 19 films on that list which are 20+ years old, and I've seen 13 of them. Not one comes close to Heretic in its ferocity.

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29 minutes ago, Strontium said:


There's 19 films on that list which are 20+ years old, and I've seen 13 of them. Not one comes close to Heretic in its ferocity.

So, there's something specific about 20 years ago that stopped people making films critical of religion, until this year when the New Atheist movement (whoever or whatever that is) rode to the rescue?

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3 minutes ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

So, there's something specific about 20 years ago that stopped people making films critical of religion, until this year when the New Atheist movement (whoever or whatever that is) rode to the rescue?


People accuse me of being argumentative, but here we have people arguing over my review of a film they haven't even seen. Ho hum.


You know what the New Atheism movement is. Dawkins, Hitchens, and that lot. You're not so old that you can't remember the backlash that people like that got in the United States when they started writing critically about religion. Back when only about 6% of Americans identified as irreligious, compared to around a quarter now.

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1 hour ago, chrisbonnie said:

Watched triple frontier last night on Netflix. 


Great cast clever storyline to begin with. But kind of ended up muddling itself up. 


It's actually a bit shite if im being totally honest. 


If anyone is thinking about watching it. I wouldnt bother. 


I've seen it.  Didn't regret watching it.

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On 16/11/2024 at 19:42, Bjornebye said:

The Apprentice. 

I’d give anything to see Trumps face change as he watched this. Story of Trumps rise to prominence and his relationship with his lawyer Roy Cohn. I’d be surprised if there isn’t a lawsuit or two heading the directors way. Superb acting from Sebastian Stan and Jeremy Strong. Trump is such a fucking cunt. 


I watched this earlier today. I don’t think it was as good as you did, I did quite enjoy it.



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My Old Ass


A girls film really. Lads takes mushrooms on her 18th birthday and hallucinates her 40 year wide cracking old self.


Aubry Plaza plays the older version of the character, which made me watch it initially, she’s only really in 2 or 3 scenes properly, very disappointing. I like the younger version, Maisy Stella, definitely doable. 


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