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Joker 2.


What an absolutely pointless film. Nothing happens. Like, literally nothing. I could understand the court case for maybe 60% of the film and then mayhem for the remaining 40%, it was nothing of the sort. The songs are distracting as well. 


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I've not, no. I'll have a look for it. This was the Tommy Copper version of The Plank. I grew up watching the Arthur Lowe one from the 1970s, which I felt was better. Probably because that was the one I watched with my dad when I was a kid. It was the first time I saw this and it felt like all the best jokes were kept for the remake.

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20 minutes ago, Sut said:

I've not, no. I'll have a look for it. This was the Tommy Copper version of The Plank. I grew up watching the Arthur Lowe one from the 1970s, which I felt was better. Probably because that was the one I watched with my dad when I was a kid. It was the first time I saw this and it felt like all the best jokes were kept for the remake.

There are two versions of Rhubarb, too.  I recently saw the original, but I've not seen the Seventies version (at least, not recently).

Like The Plank it's sort-of silent: instead of dialogue, people just say "rhubarb, rhubarb" (even when they're singing hymns in church).  It's all very silly!

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52 minutes ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

There are two versions of Rhubarb, too.  I recently saw the original, but I've not seen the Seventies version (at least, not recently).

Like The Plank it's sort-of silent: instead of dialogue, people just say "rhubarb, rhubarb" (even when they're singing hymns in church).  It's all very silly!

I remember that too. Was it Rhubarb with Eric Sykes,or was that The Plank?

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Talk to me


Really liked this, a lot like the babadook in terms of some of the themes and in that, as the characters take over the story from the mystery, it loses a bit of power as a horror film, but this stays pretty volatile to the end. Could have done with a few changes to the final scenes to give it a tone of supernatural malevolence on the way out, but it's a solid conclusion. It's a really good film, if not one to keep the "horror fans" happy.


Fuck them though, weirdos. 



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9 hours ago, Section_31 said:

Back to Black, the Amy Winehouse biopic.


Pretty much confirmed what I'd always thought, that she was a baghead who went out with a baghead then died. 


It didn't depict her as a tortured genius either, just a mouthy scruff.


Did some alright ska covers to be fair 

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10 hours ago, Section_31 said:

Back to Black, the Amy Winehouse biopic.


Pretty much confirmed what I'd always thought, that she was a baghead who went out with a baghead then died. 


It didn't depict her as a tortured genius either, just a mouthy scruff.

She was an amazing talent. The bird who played her is proper fit as well (see that BBC series Industry) 


Not watched the film yet. 

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One of those films that benefits from a repeat viewing as it maintains its ambiguity. I'd previously thought Voight probably killed an innocent man, and they should've just gone to the authorities. But this time I've done a 180 on that. It was him, and they would've been more fucked assuming the bloke was the sheriff's mate's brother who'd gone "hunting".


Burt Reynolds is a boss either way, and I'd happily watch an entire film of him taking on rapey crackers. That scene is still shocking.


7 piggy squeals out of 10

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Smile 2 - 3/4

Very decent horror sequel with all the jump scares and twists you'd expect if you saw the first one. Naomi Scott's performance is really good, and probably elevates it slightly above the original film.

Megalopolis - 1/4

Francis Ford Coppola spent $120m of his own money making this, because none of the studios would touch it with a shitty stick. I am never going to question the wisdom of movie executives ever again. Somehow a man who has directed some of the greatest films ever made has managed to take a huge pile of money and a talented cast and produce this festering turd. It is tedious and incoherent, its only saving graces being occasionally impressive visuals, and Aubrey Plaza, who comes across like Sydney Sweeney's sexy older sister. Not recommended.


Venom: The Last Dance - 2.5/4

The concluding part of the triology is average super/antihero fare, which at least puts it ahead of the terrible second film. This time they at least have the good sense to not separate Eddie and Venom for 90% of the movie, and the interplay between the two remains this series' biggest strength. Moderately entertaining, but I hope they don't make a fourth.

Barbarian - 2.5/4

A woman double-books her Airbnb with a stranger, and then odd things start happening. An interesting premise for a horror movie, and the first half is engaging and tense. Then it just descends into run-of-the-mill nonsense. A pity.

Heretic - 3.5/4

Hugh Grant's charming Englishman act is slyly subverted in this horror, in which two young Mormon missionaries make the mistake of trying to convert him. It's a very wordy film, which won't be to everyone's tastes, but ultimately it is a smart satire of organised religion that couldn't have been made 20 years ago. I can't imagine anyone other than Grant in the title role; he is perfectly cast here, but all the performances are top drawer. Really good fun.

Juror No. 2 - 3/4

94-year-old director Clint Eastwood is back and still bringing the goods. A recovering alcoholic with a baby on the way is sworn in as a juror in a murder trial, and soon realises he himself might be responsible for the death of the victim. What at first seems to be a fairly mundane, unshowy courtroom thriller actually has a fair bit more depth. A quietly damning indictment of our systems of justice.

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Lee. 9/10


My eyes have been stinging and I didn't think I'd last a full film when she suggested one. This kept me awake. Brilliant brilliant film. Winslet deserves an Oscar for that surely (and not just her boobs) 


The horrors of that war can never be forgotten and it was down to the likes of Lee Miller who ensured they never will. 

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Gladiator II - 7.5 out of 10


I loved the first film, and no matter what stage the film is at I will tune in if I’m channel flicking and come across it. The first film is a solid 9 out of 10. 

The second one feels almost a direct copy, which is no bad thing if like me you’re a big fan. I reckon most fans of the first film will enjoy this one, but it might still divide opinion for some. 

I thought Paul Mescal did a good enough job, but he didn’t quite have the gravitas that Russell Crowe gave to the role. 

Denzel performed the Oliver Reed role and for me just didn’t quite measure up. Oliver Reed genuinely came across as someone who fully respected the role of the gladiator having been a successful one himself, whereas Denzel just comes over as completely out for his own ends. Commadus was also a more menacing villain than the two weirdo’s we have in the emperor role here. 

The storyline is decent enough, and the battle and fight scenes are mostly excellent, though I did think one gladiator fight scene was ridiculously pushing it (you will all know what I mean when you watch it). 

Not many films tempt me into the cinema these days, but just like the Dune films, this for me is best watched in a cinema setting. Definitely worth a watch in my view. 

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