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7 minutes ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:

Bram Stoker's Dracula


I can take camp horror, but this was shite, only saved by Gary Oldman, a few decent effects and copious boobage. Coppola had as good a 4 film run as any in cinema history, but Christ did he peak early.


The two Godfathers, The Conversation & Apocalypse Now?

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On 29/10/2024 at 09:36, polymerpunkah said:

Woman of the Hour


Psychological thriller starring Anna Kendrick (directed as well).


Better than I was expecting: sort of a "sliding doors" look at a US serial killer, good story, great acting from all three leads (particularly the killer).


I'd recommend it.





Thanks for that.  Now my wife hates me.  Because I'm a man.

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9 minutes ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:


Yep. Hell of a run.


Pretty unbelievable really.


I just had a look through his filmography and not convinced he made another great film outside those four.


Having said that, I like Rumble Fish & The Godfather part III & have always wanted to see The Cotton Club.

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3 hours ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:

Bram Stoker's Dracula


I can take camp horror, but this was shite, only saved by Gary Oldman, a few decent effects and copious boobage. Coppola had as good a 4 film run as any in cinema history, but Christ did he peak early.

He was a producer on Paper Moon and American Graffiti too.

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Rogue 1

For the umpteenth time

An almost criminally underrated film

3rd best star wars film and better than jedi imho 

In those Shite new films the empire,or whatever they are called are Like cartoonish villans.In this they are Like proper nazis who dispassionately commit genocide.

It's always like a war film proper gritty 

And  that vader bit at the end Is the best star wars section ever.

Jen is boss aswell





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The Juror


Mid 90s caper where Demi Moore is on a jury trying a mafia head honcho & Alec Baldwin is the hitman tasked with 'persuading' her to get a not guilty verdict. A bit daft but entertaining enough. 6.5/10


The Chamber


Another mid 90s one where Gene Hackman is a racist, child murderer on death row & his grandson is his lawyer in the last few days. Fair to middling effort with the usual masterful Hackman performance. 7/10

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Small Things Like These, a new Irish film starring Cillian Murphy. A pretty harrowing story about the Magdalene laundries in 1980s Ireland. Murphy is superb as always, also a chilling performance by Emily Watson as the reverend mother.


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On 01/11/2024 at 07:07, Sut said:

Currently watching Fury Road for an article I'm thinking of writing. This is the best film of the 21st century. An absolute miracle of a picture; I love every single frame.


I watched it first time on an airplane, on another passenger's screen without the sound.


And understood the entire movie.


A revamped silent movie. I was impressed.


Still am. Great movie.



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Tinker tailor soldier spy


Been on my list to watch for ages. The lighting choices to bring out the grain of the film, not my favourite. Plot reveals itself very satisfyingly. Not as dry and dour as it's presented, but also doesn't pander to a modern audience. 



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On 01/11/2024 at 23:07, Mook said:

The Chamber


Another mid 90s one where Gene Hackman is a racist, child murderer on death row & his grandson is his lawyer in the last few days. Fair to middling effort with the usual masterful Hackman performance. 7/10

I read the book before I saw the film, enjoyed it.

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On 01/11/2024 at 23:07, Mook said:

The Juror


Mid 90s caper where Demi Moore is on a jury trying a mafia head honcho & Alec Baldwin is the hitman tasked with 'persuading' her to get a not guilty verdict. A bit daft but entertaining enough. 6.5/10


The Chamber


Another mid 90s one where Gene Hackman is a racist, child murderer on death row & his grandson is his lawyer in the last few days. Fair to middling effort with the usual masterful Hackman performance. 7/10


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13 hours ago, Carvalho Diablo said:

Caddo Lake


A girl goes missing in the Bayou, with echoes of a previous disappearance.


Really enjoyed it.




Watched this last night and enjoyed it. One of those films you're better going into knowing nothing about it. Seemed to borrow quite a lot from the TV show Dark, but that's not a bad thing.

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18 hours ago, polymerpunkah said:


I watched it first time on an airplane, on another passenger's screen without the sound.


And understood the entire movie.


A revamped silent movie. I was impressed.


Still am. Great movie.



Miller said he wanted to make the loudest silent movie ever. It's worth checking out the black and white release of it. Despite the colours of the film being so beautiful, it works surprisingly well in black and white. I still can't get over the amount of physical effects were involved in making Fury Road, and nobody was killed.

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