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1 hour ago, Anubis said:

Canary Black - 5/10. Beckinsale’s CIA agent is as unlikable a character as I’ve seen for a while. The story is standard and the action is pretty dull really. And why is she pumping shite into her lips. Just stop this mad trend.


It's ridiculous. If she was to offer me a blow job right now, I'd say, 'Oi Kate, no! You're not ripping my bellend to bits with your poorly placed collagen strands. Give me a tit wank instead. Oh...'

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12 hours ago, Anubis said:

Canary Black - 5/10. Beckinsale’s CIA agent is as unlikable a character as I’ve seen for a while. The story is standard and the action is pretty dull really. And why is she pumping shite into her lips. Just stop this mad trend.


I got to the part where the kidnapper calls her, with the best accent since Apu, and switched off. It was terrible up to that point and then proceeded to get worse.

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15 hours ago, Anubis said:

Canary Black - 5/10. Beckinsale’s CIA agent is as unlikable a character as I’ve seen for a while. The story is standard and the action is pretty dull really. And why is she pumping shite into her lips. Just stop this mad trend.


14 hours ago, Mudface said:


It's ridiculous. If she was to offer me a blow job right now, I'd say, 'Oi Kate, no! You're not ripping my bellend to bits with your poorly placed collagen strands. Give me a tit wank instead. Oh...'



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God this hasn’t aged well at all. Saw this at the pictures and loved it even as someone who isn’t the biggest sci-fi fan. Watched it again last night and fell asleep before the end. If you asked me before last night I’d have given it an 8/10 from memory. It’s really no more than a 3.5 and some of that is for Sharon Stone. 

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1 hour ago, Bjornebye said:




God this hasn’t aged well at all. Saw this at the pictures and loved it even as someone who isn’t the biggest sci-fi fan. Watched it again last night and fell asleep before the end. If you asked me before last night I’d have given it an 8/10 from memory. It’s really no more than a 3.5 and some of that is for Sharon Stone. 

Haha, I watched this last week having never seen it before (I was searching on Amazon for the Jodie Foster film Contact which they didn't have, this was a suggestion).


It starting off interesting enough bit ended up ridiculous. I was tempted to stop watching after about an hour but stuck with.


A generous 5/10 at best.

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2 hours ago, johnsusername said:

Society of the Snow (Netflix)


The story of the Uruguayan rugby club (and others) whose plane crashed in the Andes. 


Very good. The plane crash was brief but absolutely brutal.


All in all, packed quite an emotional punch.


8/10. Recommended..



Enjoyed that, but was amazed that they sat there for so long. Cant believe they started eating each other before even sending a party out to look for help.

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5 hours ago, johnsusername said:

Society of the Snow (Netflix)


The story of the Uruguayan rugby club (and others) whose plane crashed in the Andes. 


Very good. The plane crash was brief but absolutely brutal.


All in all, packed quite an emotional punch.


8/10. Recommended..


Is this as good as Alive? I love that film. Can’t imagine them doing a better version of the story than that.

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3 hours ago, sir roger said:


Enjoyed that, but was amazed that they sat there for so long. Cant believe they started eating each other before even sending a party out to look for help.


It's the same as me not being arsed to walk to the shop to get a missing ingredient and just ordering from Just Eat instead. Lazy, unhealthy but convenient.

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That's really nice of her- https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/crk4ezvp2v7o



Anna Kendrick has said she donated her fee from hit Netflix true crime film Woman of the Hour to two victims' charities because she would have felt "gross" profiting from it.


Shame she's selective in who she supports and still hasn't got her tits out on film. Selfish cow.

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1 hour ago, Mudface said:


It's the same as me not being arsed to walk to the shop to get a missing ingredient and just ordering from Just Eat instead. Lazy, unhealthy but convenient.

“Jesus wept babe that’s 3 takeaways in a row!!!” 

“What the fuck’s eggplant?” 

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1 hour ago, Mudface said:


It's the same as me not being arsed to walk to the shop to get a missing ingredient and just ordering from Just Eat instead. Lazy, unhealthy but convenient.


You can get human body parts on Just Eat now ? 

Fuck me, no wonder the bastards struggle uphill.

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Predator 5/5. Superb stuff. Perfect action picture. Tremendous.


Predator 2 4/5. Has its detractors, but I love this film. Has the balls to do something different with the material and make it markedly different from the original. Love it.


Predators 3.5/10. It's alright. Decent, fun little action picture that just copy-pastes bits from the original. The trailer showed Adrien Brody with dozens of lasers trained on him - that would have been ace.


The Predator 3/10. Part of the problem with legacy sequels is there is no invention, but when there is it feels off. Lots of line rehashing, and the super-predator is rubbish. Whereas the first two are earnest, this is a post-Marvel snark-fest. As a stupid action picture it still manages to be fun, though.


Prey 2.5. See above. Fun, but another copy-paste job Best bit is the animated credits' reveal of what happens next.


Quest for Fire 3.5/5 Ron Perlman seems to be the only actor in this that doesn't require neanderthal prosthetics. Not bad for a film with no actual language. Boss false teeth to make a pair of lionesses look like sabre-tooth tigers, some quality woolly mammoth action, cannibals, and a bench full of ladies waiting their turn to have a go of a captive caveman. Oh, and they don't just return from the quest with fire, they also learn how to make it. I gave it 3.5, but it could easily be a 6.



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27 minutes ago, Sut said:

Currently watching Fury Road for an article I'm thinking of writing. This is the best film of the 21st century. An absolute miracle of a picture; I love every single frame.

Is the article about that bend onto Islington coming off west derby road in town by any chance? 

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