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1 hour ago, Bjornebye said:

Hidden Figures (Kevin Costner, Taraji P. Henson and Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory) 


About a group of black women who worked at NASA in the 60s who were clever enough to ensure NASA won the race to the moon despite the racism and segregation stuff. Henson brilliant as ever. Powerful. 8/10 

Sounds alright that. It wasn't too OTT was it?

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The Prodigy - 2/10.


After a very long day in work I arrived home and have just veg watched this uninspiring 2019 horror in which a child is born at exactly the moment a serial killer is SWATted. Naturally, said child’s body is a battleground for our psycho’s soul and the kid’s soul. Predictable, with a very predictable end. A few loose ends where they were leaving the door open for a sequel which was never coming. I even made the wrong decision not to crack open a beer. Wish I had now. Swerve.

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Alien Romulus


I don't get all the hate. It is perfectly good and entertaining if not great. It is a pastiche of all previous Alien films and the ending is close to the ending of Alien Resurrection (Alien 4).  The Special FX were good. 

It is the best Alien film since Alien 3 so a solid 6/10


If I had to rank Alien films it would be


Alien 3 (I life it. It was a proper Alien film and would have been better without studio interference).

Aliens (Not really an Alien move but more like a Vietnam war film in space).

Alien Romulus


The rest just don't bother

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Watched a couple of action films on prime featuring female leads, neither were Uma Thurman in Kill Bill good but the Protege is definitely worth a watch.


Jolt - 2/10


Visually it’s a very enticing film and that’s even taking Beckinsale out the limelight but she can’t lead a film for shit and the sexual innuendos are terribly cringe.

The Protege - 7/10


Unlike Beckinsale, Maggie Q can lead a film and she kicks ass in this all out fast paced action, very slick action scenes. The faked death twist in this is executed a million times better than in Jolt, but don’t ask me to choose which of the 2 is more attractive.

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6 hours ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:



A bit shitter than I remembered it being. Weirdly, I think I'd like it more with a no mark in the lead rather than Pacino. His presence raises expectations that it won't be what it is, an '80s gangster cartoon.


Some great fashion on show though. Sosa won that battle too.

Nah Scarface is a brilliant film. De Palma knew the god I hate the word “vibe” it needed and Pacino was up to the task. Always hate the weird sister thing despite her amazing little rack. Boss film. 

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2 hours ago, Elite said:

Such as?

Just had a look, iPlayer isn’t as good as I remembered. These are worth watching though:

All About Eve

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

Do the Right Thing



itvX has these:


Apocalypse Now

Brighton Rock (1948)


Le Cercle Rouge

The Day of the Jackal

Don’t Look Now

The Fabulous Baker Boys

The Heroes of Telemark

Ice Cold in Alex

Jeremiah Johnson

The Ladykillers

The 39 Steps

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4 minutes ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

Viz did a daft thing a while back about a load of useless office bellends using their pointless skills to respond to a crisis. It was called The Heroes of Telemarketing .

I'm surprised thats not been made into a reality TV docu show


Love the film though and Ray Mears also did a great doc about the real life back story which the film was based upon.

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11 hours ago, Tony Moanero said:

Just had a look, iPlayer isn’t as good as I remembered. These are worth watching though:

All About Eve

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

Do the Right Thing



itvX has these:


Apocalypse Now

Brighton Rock (1948)


Le Cercle Rouge

The Day of the Jackal

Don’t Look Now

The Fabulous Baker Boys

The Heroes of Telemark

Ice Cold in Alex

Jeremiah Johnson

The Ladykillers

The 39 Steps

I'm going:


Ladykillers (Alec Guinness, not horrible remake?)

39 Steps (Robert Donat, not horrible remake?)

Ice Cold in Alex


What about yourself, Tone?



(I am aware of the blasphemy of missing Apocalypse Now…. sorry, all….)

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2 hours ago, razor said:

I'm going:


Ladykillers (Alec Guinness, not horrible remake?)

39 Steps (Robert Donat, not horrible remake?)

Ice Cold in Alex


What about yourself, Tone?



(I am aware of the blasphemy of missing Apocalypse Now…. sorry, all….)

Yes, they are the originals. The Coen Brothers version isn’t a patch on the original, but I don’t dislike it.


1. The Ladykillers

2. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

3. Le Cercle Rouge

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15 hours ago, Tony Moanero said:

Just had a look, iPlayer isn’t as good as I remembered. These are worth watching though:

All About Eve

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

Do the Right Thing



itvX has these:


Apocalypse Now

Brighton Rock (1948)


Le Cercle Rouge

The Day of the Jackal

Don’t Look Now

The Fabulous Baker Boys

The Heroes of Telemark

Ice Cold in Alex

Jeremiah Johnson

The Ladykillers

The 39 Steps

It's a weird arrangement these days because of the way things were set up when they collaborated on Britbox. It means that sometimes stuff that usually only gets shown by or is made by the BBC (Heroes of Telemark for one, Only Fools and Horses for another) is only available on ITVx instead of iPlayer for streaming.

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