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23 minutes ago, DalyanPete said:

Barry Norman lives again.

He’d have been speechless as well. 

I’ve not been that, dunno if disturbed is the right word, but genuinely “What the fuck is this?” since I stumbled across Videodrome late one night as a teenager. 

How can a film which has Demi Moore & Margaret Qualley fully naked, often on top of each other, be so un-arousing?

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17 minutes ago, Scott_M said:

He’d have been speechless as well. 

I’ve not been that, dunno if disturbed is the right word, but genuinely “What the fuck is this?” since I stumbled across Videodrome late one night as a teenager. 

How can a film which has Demi Moore & Margaret Qualley fully naked, often on top of each other, be so un-arousing?

You just need to be committed to the end goal 

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3 hours ago, Scott_M said:

Demi Moore & Margaret Qualley fully naked, often on top of each other, be so un-arousing?

Ha ha, we all struggle with our sexuality at times Scott.

That is seriously disappointing, Demi has still got it. Just googled Qualley as never heard of her...there lies your problem. Weird looking girl.


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8 minutes ago, DalyanPete said:

Ha ha, we all struggle with our sexuality at times Scott.

That is seriously disappointing, Demi has still got it. Just googled Qualley as never heard of her...there lies your problem. Weird looking girl.



It could be Demi Moore and Brian Blessed and I'd still spaff all over the ceiling 

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34 minutes ago, VladimirIlyich said:

I hated her,that Andie MacDowell. Just something about her that pissed me off. I thought her acting was terrible for one.

Yeah she was shit in 4 weddings and I love that film. They should have used Liz Hurley or Meg Ryan 

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3 hours ago, VladimirIlyich said:

I hated her,that Andie MacDowell. Just something about her that pissed me off. I thought her acting was terrible for one.


3 hours ago, Bjornebye said:

Yeah she was shit in 4 weddings and I love that film. 

Mrs O'T always reckons that she should have delivered her most famous line in a sarcastic voice.

"Is it still raining? I hadn't noticed!"



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