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51 minutes ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

The writing part is a talent; everything else is just being spawny enough to have a job where you get paid to watch enough films that you can say "that scene references a Polish horror film from 1963".


Mark Kermode was spot-on about the relevance of film critics when he pointed out that Sex in the City 2 made an absolute fortune.



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2 hours ago, Strontium said:


People who lack talent always say that.



Yes, imbeciles who understand what logarithms are.


T’be fair, the previous explanation shows a scale from zero to four, which means it can’t be a logarithmic scale because logarithms are undefined at 0. Logarithmic functions deal with exponential relationships, and since log(0) is undefined, you can’t use 0 as part of the range in a logarithmic scale. Barry Norman says no.


If you were using a linear scale from one to four, you could argue the midpoint is 2.5 by averaging the highest and lowest values. However, based on the original range including 0, the actual midpoint is 2.

If the scale were logarithmic, the base would have to be something like 1.52 to make 2.5 the midpoint between 1 and 4, and that would totally warp the rest of the scale. For instance, the difference between 2 and 3 would shrink significantly, making the rating system incoherent.


Just saying. Sorry to have interrupted our usual transmission for this emergency broadcast.

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A remake and a sequel. Very much looking forward to both for, sadly, no reason at all.


Salem's Lot - Fucking shite.


If you're going to remake a great like that at least make the effort to make it half decent.



Alien Romulus - Fucking shite.


With the exception of a couple of callbacks and a cgi Ian Holm this could have been any low budget sci-fi filmed in an old factory made to look like a spaceship. Load of wank. 

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A Killer's Memory.


Michael Keaton directs & stars in this Amazon Prime effort about a hitman who suffers from dementia. I like Michael Keaton so probably liked this more than I would have if someone else was in the lead role. Worth a watch but probably not one for a ages. 6.5/10

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BeetleJuice, Beetlejuice.


Nostalgia kicks aside, a bit weak. Ended up a bit bored but passes the time easily enough. Amusing the way they did everything to avoid putting the noncey dad in it.


0.6/1 in new money or 6/10 in old school scoring.

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20 hours ago, Lurtz said:

A remake and a sequel. Very much looking forward to both for, sadly, no reason at all.


Salem's Lot - Fucking shite.


If you're going to remake a great like that at least make the effort to make it half decent.



Alien Romulus - Fucking shite.


With the exception of a couple of callbacks and a cgi Ian Holm this could have been any low budget sci-fi filmed in an old factory made to look like a spaceship. Load of wank. 

That's tonight's viewing buggered then!

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On 15/10/2024 at 17:32, Lurtz said:

Alien Romulus - Fucking shite.


With the exception of a couple of callbacks and a cgi Ian Holm this could have been any low budget sci-fi filmed in an old factory made to look like a spaceship. Load of wank. 

I thought it was alright. I do agree it could have been any old sci-fi, it was certainly better than a number of the previous instalments. Felt the xenomorph definitely played 2nd fiddle to the monster at the end.

5ish / 10 for me.

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