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13 hours ago, Elite said:

Joker 2 - 4/10


Not sure what they was thinking but whatever it was they completely fucked it up.


This had potential to build upon the first and I've no complaints with Phoenix's performance, he's a great character and the director/writers have diminished his portrayal of Joker with this travesty of a script.


The musical stuff was an abomination and was painful to listen to and that ending was terrible.


One of the worst sequels in movie history.

So disappointing to read that, was really looking forward to it having watched the Joker five times.

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1 hour ago, sir roger said:

Bad Boys

An almost unintelligible plot, but high-octane antics and Tea Leoni make it decent late night fare.

Not my kind of film but my young grandsons wanted to watch when we where home last christmas, too much swearing for young boys to hear and off after 10 minutes.

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Watched it last night with my lad. Last time I'd seen this was when it was in the cinema so it's been a while.


Not as gruesome as I remembered but still pretty good.


I know he's a bit frowned upon these dats but Spacey is a fucking great actor, his run from Swimming with Sharks up to House of Cards is pretty impressive.


Anyway, I give it 8 bladed strapons out of 10.

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22 minutes ago, manwiththestick said:

The film Threads is on BBC 4 tonight.


I remember watching that in school, grim viewing that stuck with a generation ever since.


Might make it a 'Threads' & 'Come and See' feel good double feature for tonight's viewing then.

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3 minutes ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:

Rewatched Mad Max: Fury Road last night. Struggling to think of a better blockbuster action film from the last decade.


I think I might even prefer it to Mad Max 2, though that might be because I still hate the dog dying in that.

Both immense, but the dog dying upsets me too.


Bruce Spence was superb as the Gyro Captain in Mad Max 2, pretty much steals the film.

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Hellboy: The Crooked Man. 4/10.


I can see why they’ve bypassed cinemas. It should basically have been a two-episode tv series. The budget stretches to some poor CGI. The script is okayish but doesn’t really explain things sufficiently. The acting is competent if uninspiring - Hellboy is a bit subdued. And it’s unsettling. Okay, it should be unsettling if directed properly. But everything is unsettling. The title card, the colour palette, the Appalachian landscape, the forest, the dilapidated properties, the locals, even the fucking incidental music. Just listen to the end credit track with its occasional John Carpenter beat, silence, and broken string music. About the only thing they don’t do is grab your head and start bashing it against a table screaming “ARE YOU NOT UNSETTLED!?” It’s a tsunami of unsettling. And as such, it doesn’t work. It’s just not done subtly enough. 

One for Hellboy affectionados only.

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Not that I have any interest in watching in them I see there is another one of those stupid Terrifyer movies out. 

I just looked on IMDB to see who is in it, the guy who play the clown is much scarier without his make up…





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45 minutes ago, Special K said:

Requiem for a Dream - 6/10


Maybe this was hyped up too much as a shocking film. All it was was 'bad things happen to smackheads'. Not really a shock.


Ellen Burstyn was incredible in it though. She was the only character I gave a shit about. An unbelievable performance

Cracking 1st date film that 

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