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8 minutes ago, Carvalho Diablo said:

Falls flat, wide of the mark, band average.


A Shed Seven of a movie, you might say.


Could be a good way of rating films this- based on '90s indie bands. From Cud, Bum Gravy, Dumpy's Rusty Nuts and Ned's Atomic Dustbin at the low shite end, through Shed Seven, The Farm, Oasis, Blur and Cast in the boring middle up to the likes of Ride, My Bloody Valentine, Pixies, Happy Mondays and The Stone Roses at the top.

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Rebel Ridge started out alright, but the pacing is all over the place. Takes it's time for 80% of it and does it OK tbf but then just ramps it up out of nowhere and turns into a bit of a shitshow imo. Overall a bit overrated but the lead has got the makings of a new action star, thought he did a good job.

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6 hours ago, sir roger said:

Practically every film Clooney has made for 15 years has been a bit earnest and boring.


While I haven't seen much of Clooney in recent years the films he directed/produced or whatever, for a while were excellent. Not sure whether he's just become bored of the good stuff in recent years or what.

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8 hours ago, Carvalho Diablo said:



Brad Pitt and George Clooney's new film is a missed opportunity.


Falls flat, wide of the mark, band average.



I formally adopt this as my opinion of it as well. Shame, as I do think Clooney and Pit can work well together.

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1 hour ago, Sut said:

The Last Detail 10/10. 70s Jack in a Hal Ashby picture. One of my favourites. Coming Home - another Hal Ashby picture. This time with Jane Fonda as an officer's wife who has an affair with an injured veteran. Excellent. 10/10.


I loved "The Last Detail".


Such a simple story, and so well told.


(Out of rep, momentarily, so expanding on my upvote.)

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14 hours ago, polymerpunkah said:


I loved "The Last Detail".


Such a simple story, and so well told.


(Out of rep, momentarily, so expanding on my upvote.)

Apparently there was a film based on the novel's sequel, with Bryan Cranston, Laurence Fishburne and Steve Carrell.


I followed the Ashby double-bill with a trip to the Light in New Brighton to see Seven Samurai.

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On 28/09/2024 at 22:58, Mudface said:


A Shed Seven of a movie, you might say.


Could be a good way of rating films this- based on '90s indie bands. From Cud, Bum Gravy, Dumpy's Rusty Nuts and Ned's Atomic Dustbin at the low shite end, through Shed Seven, The Farm, Oasis, Blur and Cast in the boring middle up to the likes of Ride, My Bloody Valentine, Pixies, Happy Mondays and The Stone Roses at the top.


Negged for slagging off Shed 7 and Neds Atomic Dustbin 

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9 minutes ago, johnsusername said:

Titane (Channel 4)


French body horror. Very critically acclaimed. Watched on the recommendation of a Facebook horror group I'm in.


0/10. One of the worst, most boring films Ive ever watched. I stayed to the end just to confirm it's shitness.


Yup, I concur. Love a bit of French horror (you ever seen Martyrs?) , but Titane was utter shite.

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