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7 hours ago, Rocky Sullivan said:

I didn’t get where all this new footage was supposed to be though. I’d seen all those clips in anthology and the Eight Days a Week film. 

I haven't seen anthology, it's been one of those things that I need to make time for. I watched this with my daughter and her boyfriend and I thought it captured the enormity of this visit to the USA. Will get round to anthology soon though.

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3 hours ago, Jimmy Hills Chin said:

Leaving in about an hour to see the great man, cannot fucking wait. Now if all the bellend manc supporters can piss off from the Etihad then that would be dandy.


Decided to give this a miss. Saw him in the 90s when his voice etc was still ace.


If you have never seen him then its something to tick off this list but if you have seen him when he still had his full voice then best not to ruin the memories etc.


And I am the biggest McCartney fan imaginable

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20 minutes ago, redheart said:


Decided to give this a miss. Saw him in the 90s when his voice etc was still ace.


If you have never seen him then its something to tick off this list but if you have seen him when he still had his full voice then best not to ruin the memories etc.


And I am the biggest McCartney fan imaginable


I'm going to see him on Thursday night. I can't wait. Seen him loads of times. His voice struggles a bit these days, but there's more to live music than the perfection of the record. If that's all you go for, you're right you should stay at home. For me, it's far more than that - the emotion of the music, living the experience with your mates and like minded people. There's not much better in life, enjoying a night out where one of the greatest of all time sings his catalogue. 

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5 hours ago, redheart said:


Decided to give this a miss. Saw him in the 90s when his voice etc was still ace.


If you have never seen him then its something to tick off this list but if you have seen him when he still had his full voice then best not to ruin the memories etc.


And I am the biggest McCartney fan imaginable

Have seen him before but it was still fantastic. It’s about way more than his voice for me. I can totally understand what you mean but that show tonight was just stunning.

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Just back from this myself. His voice was pretty decent to be fair.

I’ve been to “better” gigs than this. But tonight just kind of hit different to other gigs. Because you’re not just seeing someone or other. You’re seeing an absolute musical legend. In the flesh. And that’s special. 

As was the atmosphere, particularly for Hey Jude and Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da. But, there were a couple of genuinely touching and emotional moments too. 

I got a bit of souvenir snow from Simply Having A Wonderful Christmas Time. And almost shit my kecks when the fireworks went off during Live and Let Die. 

Loved it though. Just legendary banger followed by legendary banger. 

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On 16/12/2024 at 01:41, Nelly-Szoboszlai said:

Just back from this myself. His voice was pretty decent to be fair.

I’ve been to “better” gigs than this. But tonight just kind of hit different to other gigs. Because you’re not just seeing someone or other. You’re seeing an absolute musical legend. In the flesh. And that’s special. 

As was the atmosphere, particularly for Hey Jude and Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da. But, there were a couple of genuinely touching and emotional moments too. 

I got a bit of souvenir snow from Simply Having A Wonderful Christmas Time. And almost shit my kecks when the fireworks went off during Live and Let Die. 

Loved it though. Just legendary banger followed by legendary banger. 


I remember watching him on the Flowers in the Dirt Tour  at the NEC in Birmingham. The fireworks and explosions for Live and Let Die shit him up as well to be fair. 


I guess he does not do Fool on the Hill with the piano spinning and rising into the air

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