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3 minutes ago, House of Dirk said:

Literally cradling  my jack russell as he is trembling like a leaf on account of it sounding like kyiv outside.

Yeah, one of my two dogs has been a wreck for about five hours.


Reasonably quiet fireworks exist, why can't they fuck off the loud ones?



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If you want to literally watch your money go up in smoke then I will be extremely glad to take it off your hands instead. Like WW3 here and people will be complaining they have no money in a few weeks when energy rises bite and prices of shopping continue to rise. All while wasting a fortune on useless loud noise and brief coloured explosives. Fuckin crazy behaviour.

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  • 11 months later...
4 minutes ago, VladimirIlyich said:

Should need a licence and only be for organised events. Twats.

Yep. Cunts over the back making it sound like Gaza. Had to press a load of cheese into his bone (ooer) because cheese is his absolute favourite thing on the planet. Happy as a pig in shit now but his eyes half an hour ago looking at us wondering what the fuck was happening nearly made me cry. 



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50 minutes ago, Champ said:

It’s a gorgeous autumn day, the gingerbread is in the oven, I’m prepping the sausage rolls and the bonfire is being built. We love it

Don’t forget to check for hedgehogs etc in your fire before you ignite. 

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