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9 hours ago, Tony Moanero said:

Are you having baked potatoes? 

I think I’ve been asked this before and now I’m trying to decide why I don’t do them as they are very good.

There will be homemade sausage rolls and parkin if that’s any consolation?

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35 minutes ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:

Really pleased to find out that my pup isn't scared of fireworks. Just gives the odd bark in the garden then comes back in.

My Lab just barks but then settles down and is unfazed. The Cockapoo is terrified of them, disappears up her own arse shaking.

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5 hours ago, Harry's Lad said:

My Lab just barks but then settles down and is unfazed. The Cockapoo is terrified of them, disappears up her own arse shaking.


A fucking what?


Humans are responsible for all kinds of fucking awfulness, but turning this...




To this...




Deserves every act a vengeful god should be punishing them with for tinkering with his creations.



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9 minutes ago, Bruce Spanner said:


A fucking what?


Humans are responsible for all kinds of fucking awfulness, but turning this...




To this...




Deserves every act a vengeful god should be punishing them with for tinkering with his creations.



Ha, that's Mrs HL's baby. She'd have your balls on a stick of she heard you dissing her flouncy, girly little darling, take heed and mark my words!


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8 hours ago, Bruce Spanner said:


A fucking what?


Humans are responsible for all kinds of fucking awfulness, but turning this...




To this...




Deserves every act a vengeful god should be punishing them with for tinkering with his creations.



You should get one of them top ones Bruce. Pro tip, don't forget they love having their nuts flicked with a wet towel.

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  • 11 months later...

Let out a few behind the house tonight for my granddaughter and her mates and they enjoyed it.we had burgers and hot dogs and the whole conflagration took no more than 45 minutes. I can have a couple of beers now given I haven't set fire to myself or anything in the locality.

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