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6 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:




How to listen to Classic FM’s Bonfire Night show for pets tonight


Charlotte Hawkins to host four hours of relaxing music on Friday and Saturday night to drown out firework blasts and soothe anxious dogs and cats

Like trying to listen a piano in Baghdad.

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1 hour ago, Captain Turdseye said:

My dog is absolutely bricking it here. Poor little bastard. I’ve even allowed him to get up on the new couch. 

Show him a video of army dogs working in war zones and tell him “man up you cowardly little shit.”

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3 hours ago, dandyman said:

Do we need to report a link to such a film??

Stick fucked in Ireland into Google and there is about 500,000 links you can report. If you watch it it's worth nothing my mates dad installed the Tritan Shower in that house. Beat that for a claim to fame.

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8 hours ago, Anubis said:

Mizzy Night seemed quiet this year. Also not seen any penny-for-the-guying this year.

Tell you a story...


Several years ago I acquired this dodgy £20 note with Peter Crouch on it, clealy a bit of fun and never intended to be taken seriously.

For years, after work on a Friday night it became a bit of a running joke, because every time it was my round, I used to say "I've got my half a pint left, here's £20, go to the bar and get me..."


Anyway, you get the gist, it never worked.


One Bonfire night I was out on a bender with my mate Robbo, when we were on our way to the next pub and I suddenly came down busting for a shite. Looking around, I honed in on the local Wetherspoons pub, Lloyds Bar, which has stellar shitters. So, towards Wetherspoons we headed.


Get to the front door, only to be accosted by a dozen young rarfs with the shortest, sorriest guy you ever did see.


"Penny for the guy mister", was their predictable greeting.


Kerching, never one to look a gift horse in the mouth, I leapt into action.


"Sorry lads, but I've only got this £20 note...but tell you what, if you can give me back £15 I'll do you a swap?"


Anyway, the daft young scamps / gullible wankers were only too happy to let their collective avarice get the better of them, and before they knew it I was straight out the back door, £15 richer and headed for The Rat Race micro boozer, but still busting for a shite.


The moral of the story is to not be a scrounging, lazy little cunt who puts zeto effort into their guy and who can't tell the difference between HRH Queen Elizabeth II and a lanky 6'10" striker who played for The Mighty Reds.

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41 minutes ago, Carvalho Diablo said:

Tell you a story...


Several years ago I acquired this dodgy £20 note with Peter Crouch on it, clealy a bit of fun and never intended to be taken seriously.

For years, after work on a Friday night it became a bit of a running joke, because every time it was my round, I used to say "I've got my half a pint left, here's £20, go to the bar and get me..."


Anyway, you get the gist, it never worked.


One Bonfire night I was out on a bender with my mate Robbo, when we were on our way to the next pub and I suddenly came down busting for a shite. Looking around, I honed in on the local Wetherspoons pub, Lloyds Bar, which has stellar shitters. So, towards Wetherspoons we headed.


Get to the front door, only to be accosted by a dozen young rarfs with the shortest, sorriest guy you ever did see.


"Penny for the guy mister", was their predictable greeting.


Kerching, never one to look a gift horse in the mouth, I leapt into action.


"Sorry lads, but I've only got this £20 note...but tell you what, if you can give me back £15 I'll do you a swap?"


Anyway, the daft young scamps / gullible wankers were only too happy to let their collective avarice get the better of them, and before they knew it I was straight out the back door, £15 richer and headed for The Rat Race micro boozer, but still busting for a shite.


The moral of the story is to not be a scrounging, lazy little cunt who puts zeto effort into their guy and who can't tell the difference between HRH Queen Elizabeth II and a lanky 6'10" striker who played for The Mighty Reds.


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30 minutes ago, Harry's Lad said:

Some absolute cunt woke us up at 2:30 this morning. Dogs went fucking ballistic.

Selfish bastard. The sooner firework sales to the general public are banned the better.


They should fuck them off full stop. You want to see fancy lights on the sky, go watch a drone show, those things are amazing.

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