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25 minutes ago, Strontium Dog™ said:

Always a good idea to block your letterbox up at this time of year in case some little cunt tries to shove a firework through.

There used to be a nonce living close to us in Runcorn Old Town. Done time for it. I knew a couple of girls that had been victim to him but never took it further and stuff. Another really young lad I knew had been lured into his house to look at “poorly kittens” before luckily bolting before anything happened to him. 

He had a massive house on a corner/end of terrace. Almost all of windows were plastic because they got put in with bricks so often for years. Being the little scrote I was, I knew two of his back windows were still glass and for a while I was standing on wheelie bins, leaning over the back wall and putting them in a couple of times a week when I lived close by and had to walk past his house on my way home. 

Anyway, one bonfire night or maybe a night close to it, one of the older scalls came running down our road out of breath and told us he’d just put a shitload of fireworks through the nonce’s letterbox and they’d gone off and lit his house up like a nightclub. I knew that the fella didn’t have a letterbox, for pretty much that exact reason. He used to have this metal locked box attached to his back gate for his mail. 

Next thing you know we could hear fire engines and ambulances so I sprinted up to see what was going on. Turned out that this lad had targeted the big corner house on the other side of the road. Firemen were helping this frail old lady out of the house that still had smoke pouring out of the upstairs windows. 

The lad who did it obviously got arrested but the sight of them bringing the old girl out is one of the most vivid memories I have of my childhood. 

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1 hour ago, VERBAL DIARRHEA said:


Yep, they shouldn't be sold to the public, not sure if you can buy them in the shops now or where you get hold of them, fireworks can fuck right off. 

It's not as if it's for one night either, soft cunts carry on for days later, loads last night here and I can hardly wait for tonight's extravaganza. 

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5 minutes ago, easytoslip said:

Yep, they shouldn't be sold to the public, not sure if you can buy them in the shops now or where you get hold of them, fireworks can fuck right off. 

It's not as if it's for one night either, soft cunts carry on for days later, loads last night here and I can hardly wait for tonight's extravaganza. 

Felt like Beirut up here last night. Dickheads.

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6 minutes ago, Captain Turdseye said:

I’ve only heard one firework so far, and that was just a rocket on Halloween. You should all move down here. 

They're going off right now, before midday. I've heard about 8 so far while working from home this morning 

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24 minutes ago, easytoslip said:

Yep, they shouldn't be sold to the public, not sure if you can buy them in the shops now or where you get hold of them, fireworks can fuck right off. 

It's not as if it's for one night either, soft cunts carry on for days later, loads last night here and I can hardly wait for tonight's extravaganza. 


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On 02/11/2021 at 23:56, Captain Turdseye said:

There used to be a nonce living close to us in Runcorn Old Town. Done time for it. I knew a couple of girls that had been victim to him but never took it further and stuff. Another really young lad I knew had been lured into his house to look at “poorly kittens” before luckily bolting before anything happened to him. 

He had a massive house on a corner/end of terrace. Almost all of windows were plastic because they got put in with bricks so often for years. Being the little scrote I was, I knew two of his back windows were still glass and for a while I was standing on wheelie bins, leaning over the back wall and putting them in a couple of times a week when I lived close by and had to walk past his house on my way home. 

Anyway, one bonfire night or maybe a night close to it, one of the older scalls came running down our road out of breath and told us he’d just put a shitload of fireworks through the nonce’s letterbox and they’d gone off and lit his house up like a nightclub. I knew that the fella didn’t have a letterbox, for pretty much that exact reason. He used to have this metal locked box attached to his back gate for his mail. 

Next thing you know we could hear fire engines and ambulances so I sprinted up to see what was going on. Turned out that this lad had targeted the big corner house on the other side of the road. Firemen were helping this frail old lady out of the house that still had smoke pouring out of the upstairs windows. 

The lad who did it obviously got arrested but the sight of them bringing the old girl out is one of the most vivid memories I have of my childhood. 

Did they grow to support the blues and target the new managers house? Unrelated story but a lad I knew stuck a DVD into the letter box of  a fella who's daughter was one of the stars of "fucked in Ireland".

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Fireworks here for New Year are ridiculous. My workmate has already spent over 1000 euros on his and is planning more. 


Dutch police have just made a record find of 120 tonnes of illegal fireworks in a bunker in Germany that were headed this way. 



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4 hours ago, No2 said:

Did they grow to support the blues and target the new managers house? Unrelated story but a lad I knew stuck a DVD into the letter box of  a fella who's daughter was one of the stars of "fucked in Ireland".

Do we need to report a link to such a film??

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4 minutes ago, Captain Turdseye said:

My dog is absolutely bricking it here. Poor little bastard. I’ve even allowed him to get up on the new couch.



Same, although he seems a bit better than last year, probably/hopefully because we've been playing firework sounds in the house all week.

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How to listen to Classic FM’s Bonfire Night show for pets tonight


Charlotte Hawkins to host four hours of relaxing music on Friday and Saturday night to drown out firework blasts and soothe anxious dogs and cats

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