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Guest PaddyBerger15

Horrible little snots are letting them off round ours as well. So much for the sales being tightened up.

Its the same every year, halfway through October until Xmas the little bleeders are letting them off all times of the day and night.

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Damn straight, whose bright idea was it to sell the fucking things privately? Why don't I just open a shop selling exocet missiles?


Professional displays are fucking ace - standing on a field with a cup a soup surrounded by a few hundred people watching the big fuckers burst overhead.


However, inner-city 13 year-olds with rockets and bangers isn't what the chinese had in mind.

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Damn straight, whose bright idea was it to sell the fucking things privately? Why don't I just open a shop selling exocet missiles?


Professional displays are fucking ace - standing on a field with a cup a soup surrounded by a few hundred people watching the big fuckers burst overhead.


However, inner-city 13 year-olds with rockets and bangers isn't what the chinese had in mind.


Bingo. How the fuck the things are still legal in these "Health and Safety" times is anyone's guess.

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Jesus they are available year round over there eh?


If you want a good bang, you cant even buy them at the road side shop before independence dat, you have to go to an Indian Reservation and barter with em...


Let me have one of those porno magazines, large box of condoms, a bottle of Old Harper, a couple of those panty shields, and some illegal fireworks, and one of those disposable enemas... eh, make it two.

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Jesus they are available year round over there eh?


If you want a good bang, you cant even buy them at the road side shop before independence dat, you have to go to an Indian Reservation and barter with em...

Has Crouchieboy gone all Sath Aafrican on us?


ps Im still convinced The Ghost is a guido.

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i would disown the bastard.. although he did rock the faux hawk a while back but that doesnt really count


as for goin sath aafrican... i blame it on my english homework :whistle:

I seem to have collected a few southern hemisphere mates recently, and its like being in some weird parallel dimension when they get talking. Aussies starting every sentence with 'look, ' and the boks ending everything with 'eh'. English motherfucker, do you speak it*?








*just kidding obviously.

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I seem to have collected a few southern hemisphere mates recently, and its like being in some weird parallel dimension when they get talking. Aussies starting every sentence with 'look, ' and the boks ending everything with 'eh'. English motherfucker, do you speak it*?








*just kidding obviously.


i hear what you are saying... and no offense taken mate haha...


my aussie mate ends sentences with 'hey'? i am like wtf?!?!?

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i hear what you are saying... and no offense taken mate haha...


my aussie mate ends sentences with 'hey'? i am like wtf?!?!?


Both Americans and Australians inflect mid-sentence so it sounds like they are asking a question when they aren't. Quite a few Cockneys do this as well.

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Miserable bastards. Fireworks fucking rule, and rule hard.


Obviously I may have a differing opinion if there was a load of twats throwing them about for a month, but as I don't, fireworks fucking rule.


quite agree with you there mate, but i can certainly see the annoyance. The weeks leading up to independence day are quite fun over here. I am surprised i have both my hands with some of the shit me and my mates have put together.


personal favorite: sparkler bomb

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