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  • 9 years later...

It's alright that, Ardja depending on what you wore it with.


I don't really count suede jackets as leather, I know I'm wrong like but I feel like they need to be seperate entities in my brain.


My brother got this (Ben Sherman) one recently & it's bugging me because I love it...




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3 minutes ago, Mook said:

It's alright that, Ardja depending on what you wore it with.


I don't really count suede jackets as leather, I know I'm wrong like but I feel like they need to be seperate entities in my brain.

Yeah I'm not fond of them to be honest, they get ruined in the rain plus they stink.

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I've got a lovely suede jacket I've worn all of about ten times. 


Chance of rain? Not worth the risk.

Taking public transport? The seats might be filthy.

Pub? Some clumsy sod might spill beer on it.

Family outing? Young relatives will get sticky fingers on it.


It's now an autumnal coat for guaranteed dry days when I won't have to sit on public seats whilst wearing it, and food and drink are not in close proximity.

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Rather than invest in yet another winter coat, I've taken to wearing my brown leather Barbour Hurricane for the last two months. Day in, day out, rain or shine, I don't care. It's been sat in my wardrobe for three years practically unworn. For added faux-hipster cunt value, I've bought a shemagh to wear with it when it's cold. fuck the haters, shemagh's are truly the answer to all your upper body warmth needs.


Tonight I discovered I can carry home two packs of salami and a scotch egg in the jacket pockets. No plaggy bag required. Just doing my bit for the environment, ma'am. 

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8 hours ago, cochyn said:

Rather than invest in yet another winter coat, I've taken to wearing my brown leather Barbour Hurricane for the last two months. Day in, day out, rain or shine, I don't care. It's been sat in my wardrobe for three years practically unworn. For added faux-hipster cunt value, I've bought a shemagh to wear with it when it's cold. fuck the haters, shemagh's are truly the answer to all your upper body warmth needs.


Tonight I discovered I can carry home two packs of salami and a scotch egg in the jacket pockets. No plaggy bag required. Just doing my bit for the environment, ma'am. 

What is a shemagh?

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