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Popping my posting cherry to say congratulations to my very 'brainy' little Bro. Got his exam results today and got a first for the year (again!). Nice one Dirkus, very proud of you, you ginger-minged little twunt :tease:


Hello to everyone btw, I've been lurking for years and feel like I know you all already. Finally registered and waited weeks to be activated, and now there's not one thread about beans on a fry up, purple aki, grooming or monkey-wars, typical.

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I used to think that only really bad nerds, who bore the shit out of you and have no life, could get firsts.


































































This information seems to confirm that I was right.

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It's definitely not down to being ginger, is it?


I bet if you did research into it you would find out that the propensity of the ginge to be a socially shunned recluse might lead to higher study time and better grades. I wouldn't know, a ginger beard is controllable.

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I bet if you did research into it you would find out that the propensity of the ginge to be a socially shunned recluse might lead to higher study time and better grades. I wouldn't know, a ginger beard is controllable.


And this is coming from a 5ft 3" height deficient freak who was shunned the part of an Oompa-Loompa on the basis of being too short?

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There's no point anyone firting with me. I'm a lesbian, and I'm really ugly. Oh, and I have about 87 brothers (including step brothers). 86 of them will come round and beat you to within an inch of your life, and the 87th will finish you off by describing in detail the effects of serotonin on dopamine receptors (or something). You have been warned.

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There's no point anyone firting with me. I'm a lesbian, and I'm really ugly.


I was once mistaken for an ugly lesbian; alas I am unable to firt with you (obviously some sort of euphemism for rugmunching) due to your brother having no sense of Voromania.


Well done Dave, regardless.

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