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Seems to be increasing exponentially, lads who are at best 'barely' scouse giving it the 'Ya mar' and 'Lad' treatment in public heighways for all to hear.


Fuck off.


Reminds me of my college days when someone asked a mate where he was from, when he said Huyton the girl said: 'Your not a propper scouser' to which he replied: '.....So?'



The girl seemed genuinely baffled as to why this wasn't an issue for him!


Another thing which pisses me off, living and socialising in Cheshire but being a scouser is the 'scouse solidarity' routine you get when you go out and encounter another one. As if somehow: (a) we should all stick together (B) everyone else is shit and scared of us and © we run this town we do.

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Seems to be increasing exponentially, lads who are at best 'barely' scouse giving it the 'Ya mar' and 'Lad' treatment in public heighways for all to hear.


Fuck off.


Reminds me of my college days when someone asked a mate where he was from, when he said Huyton the girl said: 'Your not a propper scouser' to which he replied: '.....So?'



The girl seemed genuinely baffled as to why this wasn't an issue for him!


Another thing which pisses me off, living and socialising in Cheshire but being a scouser is the 'scouse solidarity' routine you get when you go out and encounter another one. As if somehow: (a) we should all stick together (B) everyone else is shit and scared of us and © we run this town we do.



I agree, especially with A) through to C). Reminds me of Leeds festival a few years ago, standing at the back watching the White Stripes under a ciggie stand cos it was pissing down. Lad giving it all that, tried to start buzzing off me mate just cos we were a group of long hairs. My mate started talking to him and he was like, 'oh county rd lad, proper laughing up there lad' and then tried to stay and talk to us when 5 minutes previous he'd been buzzing off us all.

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I know exactly what you mean, slightly related I avoid southerners over here like the plague.


Every time I'm introduced to them they trot out the tired old scouse jokes and I can no longer be arsed a) 'laughing' at their shite stereotype jokes b) telling them that it's not funny only for them to respond with 'what happened to the scouse sense of humour?'


The longer I'm away the more I dislike them :)

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I know exactly what you mean, slightly related I avoid southerners over here like the plague.


Every time I'm introduced to them they trot out the tired old scouse jokes and I can no longer be arsed a) 'laughing' at their shite stereotype jokes b) telling them that it's not funny only for them to respond with 'what happened to the scouse sense of humour?'


The longer I'm away the more I dislike them :)


I've been pretty fortunate. the only englanders I've met over here have been northerners. i work with a couple of geordies who are a right laugh. My best mate is from Minnesota though.

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Most annoying thing, ever.


Sometimes you do get on with others, depending on how sociable you are. But sometimes it can be a bastard fest. I get on with southerners sometimes, the only reason being that I've been lucky enough for them to be supporting Liverpool. One time when i was on holiday there was like 4 lads and three of them where from Sussex and one from Dagenham, those where the Liverpool fans. The other one was a West Landoner. Chelsea head.

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You always find the people who put the accent on to embarassing lengths are from places like Huyton and Kirkby.


Remember at the work's Christmas party, this woman came up to me and my mate (from Norfolk) and called him a wool and me a plassy Scouser. We just gave her one of those "not arsed" looks and laughed in her face.

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You always find the people who put the accent on to embarassing lengths are from places like Huyton and Kirkby.


Remember at the work's Christmas party, this woman came up to me and my mate (from Norfolk) and called him a wool and me a plassy Scouser. We just gave her one of those "not arsed" looks and laughed in her face.


I don't think they put the accent on mate to be honest (I know i don't, i'm not into all this plassy scouser shite). Just different dialects. us Huytoners therefore say our 'Ck's' with our throats, and the Kirkbians say there 'd's' with a 't' sound.


Different Dialects.

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I don't think they put the accent on mate to be honest (I know i don't, i'm not into all this plassy scouser shite). Just different dialects. us Huytoners therefore say our 'Ck's' with our throats, and the Kirkbians say there 'd's' with a 't' sound.


Different Dialects.


Oh right- fair enough.

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Guest Jay W

Young lads exagerate the scouse accent. It pisses me off when they emphasise certain words and put on the accent. Local scalls and girls being the most annoying. Just speak properly...


The girls sound like right dirty tramps. Not sure why they feel the need to exagerate their accents. Some people add that noise to the end of some words aswell, the one that sounds like they're bringing a greeny up through their throats.

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Laffin an da mabate..


'twas chatting about this a few weeks ago with a student who came into my mates shop asking about various bits of PC advice.


"At last! A proper scouse accent", he says to me...


A scouser himself, he was telling me about the rise in fake accents around Liverpool Uni when he was there. Students from all over the place, adopting the brookside equivalent of the accent in order to a) fit in b) sound dead hard like c)be wankers (delete where applicable), and to top it off, even those from Liverpool seeming to put on an extra whininess, seeming exaggerating their scouseosity.


A proper scouse accent, in his opinion, is the accent that his dad/grandad/older scousers in general have, a deep, sometimes quite guttural accent, but with nowhere near as much whinyness as seems to be the case nowadays. Funnily enough, he used to live about 20 houses down from me in Old Swan when I lived there...


Just for the record, I've been told I sound just like Ringo Starr narrating Thomas the Tank Engine.. Twats.


Daft thing is, according to our kid when I speak to him on the phone I'm starting to get a bit of a welsh twang polluting my warm scouseness.. There you are then, see?

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Laffin an da mabate..



A proper scouse accent, in his opinion, is the accent that his dad/grandad/older scousers in general have, a deep, sometimes quite guttural accent, but with nowhere near as much whinyness as seems to be the case nowadays. Funnily enough, he used to live about 20 houses down from me in Old Swan when I lived there...




I'd agree with that actually.


One thing I've noticed is that (no offence intended to anyone) but this seems to be a thing among young Scousers, is that they make out like being a Scouser is the best thing in the world and think everybody wants to be one.


Can't get me head round that and when I get called a plassy Scouser when I tell people where I'm from, I just look at them and say "so what?"

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I work in a hospital here and my boss is always taking the piss out of my accent, with the usual "Alright laaa'!".


She's from Widnes or Wigan or somewhere like that. Her names Jackie too so everytime I need to speak to her she takes the piss out of my "Ay, Jaccccckie!".

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I've been pretty fortunate. the only englanders I've met over here have been northerners. i work with a couple of geordies who are a right laugh. My best mate is from Minnesota though.



Iève somehow gotten roped into taking my wife and daughters to Mall of America in Bloomington.


Can your mate tell me if there are any decent bars near there or gentleman clubs.


Am quite excitied at the prospect of driving through North and South Dakota. Going to watch FARGO before I leave and say jaaa alot.

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Iève somehow gotten roped into taking my wife and daughters to Mall of America in Bloomington.


Can your mate tell me if there are any decent bars near there or gentleman clubs.


Am quite excitied at the prospect of driving through North and South Dakota. Going to watch FARGO before I leave and say jaaa alot.


Well, he is from a place a fair way away from there. I'll ask him anyway. I have looked on the map, that is a FUCK of a long way to drive. With a car full of women. You are a mentalist.

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Just for the record, I've been told I sound just like Ringo Starr narrating Thomas the Tank Engine.. Twats.


My accent's been likened to Lennon's. See if we can find another pair of lads and form a band. We could call ourselves the crickets or something.:whistle:

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My son and his mates use the same 'lad' thing at the beginning and end of every sentence, as in "Lad, i've been tryin to phone ya, lad, why didn't you answer yer phone lad" i fucking despise it. I just told him he sounds like his nan (his ma's ma). He soon stopped it.

Even worse is that the young scallyettes are now saying "Girl, i tried to phone ya girl" It sounds truly horrible.

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My son and his mates use the same 'lad' thing at the beginning and end of every sentence, as in "Lad, i've been tryin to phone ya, lad, why didn't you answer yer phone lad" i fucking despise it. I just told him he sounds like his nan (his ma's ma). He soon stopped it.

Even worse is that the young scallyettes are now saying "Girl, i tried to phone ya girl" It sounds truly horrible.


Most Kirkby girls around my age call you lad.


You hold open a door and they go with a big high pitch annoying voice "taaaa lad."


I think Kirkby and and Dave Kirkby have something in common in that Scouse over exaggerated-ness.

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Laffin an da mabate..


'twas chatting about this a few weeks ago with a student who came into my mates shop asking about various bits of PC advice.


"At last! A proper scouse accent", he says to me...


A scouser himself, he was telling me about the rise in fake accents around Liverpool Uni when he was there. Students from all over the place, adopting the brookside equivalent of the accent in order to a) fit in b) sound dead hard like c)be wankers (delete where applicable), and to top it off, even those from Liverpool seeming to put on an extra whininess, seeming exaggerating their scouseosity.


A proper scouse accent, in his opinion, is the accent that his dad/grandad/older scousers in general have, a deep, sometimes quite guttural accent, but with nowhere near as much whinyness as seems to be the case nowadays. Funnily enough, he used to live about 20 houses down from me in Old Swan when I lived there...


Just for the record, I've been told I sound just like Ringo Starr narrating Thomas the Tank Engine.. Twats.


Daft thing is, according to our kid when I speak to him on the phone I'm starting to get a bit of a welsh twang polluting my warm scouseness.. There you are then, see?


I agree with that, I much prefer the old scouse accent like my grandad had as oppossed to the new over exagerated one. I'm fed up with people I don't know approaching me and saying things like "what's the time der lad?" or "Av ya got ten pence so I can ring me bird der lid?" I find being refered to as lad, patronising in the extreme. What's with all this lid bollocks as well? It's not even a word for fucks sake. Birkenhead is a hot bead of ridiculously overblown, scally scouse accents.

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What's with all this lid bollocks as well? It's not even a word for fucks sake. Birkenhead is a hot bead of ridiculously overblown, scally scouse accents.



lid = bin lid = hybrid of kid + lad


i think that places like widness, runcorn, birkenhead are pathetic, i worked in birkenhead and you get all these 'scouse' accents and when you order a drink in a bar women would but there bags between their legs or blatenly put them on a chair next to them before touting this pathetivc wannabe scouseness.


i also find that these places, none so much as the wirral, only class themselves as scousers when we are awarded with things sucj as capital of culture or win the european cup. i have met people from wirral and before i started talking to them i watched them showing off that they where scouse then at the bar a few nights into the holiday we got talking along with a couple of geordies and the horrible wirral tart says 'ohhh nooo dear we are not scousers we are from the wirral' in the most annoying voice.

also these women and girls who act scouse put this fucking stupid thing after every word that ends in s and it makes you think your being gassed.


as you can see i get pissed off by this subject and it gets me in trouble along with my hot headedness. rant over.

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