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Dead Man's Shoes - Gary Stretch Wikipedia

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  • 1 year later...

It’s good but it’s not in my top 5 British films. Maybe not even top 10. 

In no particular order:


Life of Brian


Bridge on the River Kwai

Trainspotting 1&2



Rock N Rolla

A Clockwork Orange 

The Elephant Man


The Long Good Friday

Love, Honour and Obey



I might need to watch it again. 




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19 hours ago, Bjornebye said:

I’ve added my thoughts above. You’re gonna hate me but I prefer 4 weddings. Great film. Football Factory is better and all. And Lock Stock. And Rise of the Footsoldier 

Football Factory better than Dead Man's Shoes....?


Fucking hell - even an Oasis fan couldn't be that stupid....Oh hang on....

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16 minutes ago, Jennings said:

No. What Judd did at the end.

I couldn't get over it.

Yeah cunts trick that. I walked past a couple of lads on the crocky hall trail few times this week and one had a bird of prey on a glove just walking about with it on his hand. I tried to show off with my bird the first time and went “that’s a kestrel that” she was (or pretended to be) dead impressed. I felt great. 

We saw them a few days later and I asked him what it was and it was a Harris Hawk which if you know your stuff doesn’t look fuck all like a Kestrel. 

Fair play to the lads though they’ve got all the gear on and take it out and let it hunt for its dinner. 

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That's a tough one.


Wicker Man would make my list.

Local Hero would as well.

I'll take Kwai ahead of Lawrence because it's a better film.

Life of Brian would be near the top of course.

Ian McKellen's Richard III is my favourite Shakespeare adaptation. 

Children of Men is another favourite.

A Christmas Carol (Sim) has to be there. But so does Oliver!. And Great Expectations. That's three from one author.

Does Threads count? It's on there.


No way to make a top ten, I guess.

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45 minutes ago, TD_LFC said:


Football Factory isn't even the best film of that genre


I.D. is a far superior, and deserved a proper sequel that picks up where the film ends.

It’s better than ID in my opinion but I do like ID. The fella who the main character in ID was based on has done a good few interviews. What he saw was mental 

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On 29/11/2024 at 22:23, Bjornebye said:

It’s good but it’s not in my top 5 British films. Maybe not even top 10. 

In no particular order:


Life of Brian


Bridge on the River Kwai

Trainspotting 1&2



Rock N Rolla

A Clockwork Orange 

The Elephant Man


The Long Good Friday

Love, Honour and Obey



I might need to watch it again. 




You need In the name of the Father adding to your list 

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Well, it’s a bit hard defining what is a British film, isn’t it? Must the director be British? Must the money, script, producers or location be British? Is Alien a British film, all of Hitchcock or merely the ones before he upped and left for Hollywood? Kubrick?

Lawrence of Arabia

Bridge on the River Kwai

Dr. Zhivago

The Innocents

A Matter of Life and Death

The Third Man

Odd Man Out

I know Where I’m Going

The Lady Vanishes

Remains of the Day

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