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Dennis Wise

Gray - YPC

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If I was to merely pin a work colleague up against the wall threateningly I would probably be sacked.


If I was to strike a work colloeague I certainly would be sacked.


If I was to break a work colleagues cheekbone I would definately be sacked, and face criminal charges.


So why the fcuk have Leicester not got the right to sack Dennis Wise?? It is a disgrace... and a joke.


Gordon Taylor is doing more bad for game than anyone else. I understand he needs to look after the players, but we are reaching a state of insanity at the moment. fcuk off Taylor you money grabbing, lecherous prick :-( :-(

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Guest paul fagan



could not agree more on your comments about taylor he is the highest paid

union leader in this country and he has the fewest members , the decision

to make leicster reinstate wise just shows how out of touch with the real

world footballers and the games governing bodies have become as you rightly

said in any other job he would have been sacked and arrested, the fact that

taylor claims they wanted him out just to save money is neither here or there

taylor is a twat it was only last year he was going to help ginola take

gregory to court cos he called him fat,he should be more worrid about his

own members trying to maim each other ie keane and wise.

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