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The weather


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2 minutes ago, Carvalho Diablo said:

I'm just fucking sick of being cold. Hate it. Give me a palm tree and a swimming pool.


Fuck off cold, miserable fucking winter.


It's ironic as we've been raised to think we have it good, in some ways we do, but in a lot of the very important ways we don't. Check out some of the thread titles on here. "Who's on anti depressants?" Etc.




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12 hours ago, manwiththestick said:

I had a cover on my wooden bench that was threatening to blow away so I put I large clay plant pot on it to weight down.


Just heard a smash outside and it's smashed on the floor.


And you have some on here complaining about a certain sporting event being cancelled.


A mate said he had a brick on top of the cover for his kids sandpit in the garden to stop the cover blowing around. He advises that the brick is no longer there....


Hopefully there isn't local news that someone has been found after being clobbered by a brick.

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