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Claims to fame


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  • 8 months later...

Pete Best lives just down the road from me. I’ve just walked past with the dog and his car engine was running (I know it’s his it’s a silver jaguar estate) with no lights on or anything and nobody in the car. I knocked on to tell him and he was made up although he knew the car was running. “Ha I know but thanks so much for knocking” “no worries mate” “cheers for that fella” 


I’m basically the 8th Beatle. 


And my dog’s the 9th 

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8 minutes ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

You should off walked off backwards keeping eye contact while repeatedly singing "beep-beep, beep-beep yeah"  until you were out of sight.

I was tempted but I didn’t want the dog to start curling one out on his front. He has a habit of stitching me up in awkward situations. We just got off. 

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Not really mine but my best mate from school lives on Long Island his Mrs cousin is Jimmy Kimmel,  whenever he's in New York he always sends over tickets for the whole family my mate tells me he's a great guy to be around .

My lad was on a cruise and ended up sitting next to Jan Molby   and was  chatting about Lower league and Liverpool obviously for a few hours .

Stood next to Chris Coleman in the toilets at Stamford Bridge in the Roberto De Matteo lounge big fucker him , Peter Osgood was coming round acting as a bookies runner and the whole place was crammed with Celebrities 

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13 hours ago, Bjornebye said:

Pete Best lives just down the road from me. I’ve just walked past with the dog and his car engine was running (I know it’s his it’s a silver jaguar estate) with no lights on or anything and nobody in the car. I knocked on to tell him and he was made up although he knew the car was running. “Ha I know but thanks so much for knocking” “no worries mate” “cheers for that fella” 


I’m basically the 8th Beatle. 


And my dog’s the 9th 


Jag estate? Must be lucrative telling people you got booted out of the biggest band in history, before they actually got anywhere. 


NB Sorry, Stig, 2nd biggest band in history, after Oasis. Did the Beatles ever sell out Knebworth over 2 nights? No.  No they didn't. 

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7 minutes ago, Total Longo said:


Jag estate? Must be lucrative telling people you got booted out of the biggest band in history, before they actually got anywhere. 


NB Sorry, Stig, 2nd biggest band in history, after Oasis. Did the Beatles ever sell out Knebworth over 2 nights? No.  No they didn't. 

It’s an old one to be fair. 

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