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Claims to fame


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Last year I was in Birkenheads hot spot - "The Cool Room" and I was walking past one of the tables. I saw an ex of my best mates she called me over and had a chat. I noticed there was another bev on the table and asked who she was with, she said she'd got talking to some lad. Couple secs later who walks over but Didi Hamman, fucking wasted. I said, "is this him?" She said yes I said "do you know who he is?" she went "think he plays for Liverpool or Tranmere reserves or summit!" Dozy bint! Shook the fellers hand and said to him "Nice one for helping us win the European Cup" His response was "It wasn't a problem!" Fucking priceless. So he went up and got us all a round in. Fucking legend.

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Shitloads of cricketers: Brian Lara, Andrew Flintoff, Matthew Hoggard etc etc all those guys who used to present channel 4 cricket in fact.


PJ from big brother - fat little bald brummie who tried (and failed) to shag Jade Goody - admittedly not really famous!


The Killers - At Leeds Festival last year.


Ex Liverpool players: Steve McMahon and Mark Walters (when he played for Swindon they trained at our school prior to a match with Port Vale!)


Think there are a few others... can't be arsed to remember now though

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Guest Jay W

I shot Ian Rush in the face at Paintball in Wales a few years back, and then shared some Irish Stew with him in some stinking woods, which we agreed was pretty much shite...Met a couple of players and ex players, Razor and Jimmy Corkhill in WH Smith in town (at the same time), Markus Babel outside the Anny Road end, Seen Carra quite alot floating about in either Crosby(for some reason always in or around chioces on south road) or round ours (Bootle), Alan Kennedy and some others.....My auld fellas got the best list though, he works for Telewest and has done numerous local celebs, players, ex players houses and also had a cup of tea with Lousie and Jamie Redders when they used to live in town....


Also had a laugh with Phil Olivier (tinhead from brookie) in Toys'r'us by Cosco with the other lad who used to be in it, he played Jerome I think....seen Alan Stubbs in there too but..well.....nah...


If anyones seen the film Behind Enemy Lines, I was on exercise in Slovakia with all the fellas who were hunting the pilot as they drew them from the Slovak army....if you've seen the big baldy fella he's fuckin hilarious and he can drink a bar dry and still be sober...

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Had Howard Marks stay in my house for a weekend, crazy fella and the stories he could tell well enough said.

Met Ray Clemence and got me photo taken with him when he played for us, still pride of place in my living room, even though when he went to spurs it nearly killed me.

Also met Fowler and Mcmannaman in Browns in london, didnt have a camera gutted.

Last but not least on the way back from the European Cup final last year was seated on the aisle seat and the guy right opposite was the Referee from the final it was the Istanbul to Madrid flight.

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Met Emlyn Hughes and Mark Lawrenson (and Alan Ball and Paul Cherry) when working at Butlins.


Steven Gerrard asked my Niece Debra for her phone number in Cream (before he was seeing Alex) silly girl said 'No I am seeing someone'


Saw Milan Baros and his fit (ex I think) bird in McDonalds on Edge Lane.


Russell from the Zutons is my cousin.


Sneaked backstage and met Bob Calvert of Hawkwind at the Bierkellar in Liverpool. I was well pissed and ate all the bands sandwiches. Bob was well weird but very funny.


I am friends with the boxer Colin Dunne the former Lightweight champion of the world.


1 of Colin's biggest fans is Johnny Lydon (Rotten). Been on the ale a couple of times with Rotten after Colin's fights in London.


Bumped into Alice Cooper buying watches in Camden market.


Saw Stevie Heighway at a Van Morrison gig in Southport. He was at the end of our row and my mate Mick shouting 'Alright Stevie! Out on the wing as usual I see!'

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Guest Bootle_red
Just remembered another: Jason McAteer was in my year at school.


Not much of a claim to fame, but Darren Potter was in my year at school!

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My cousin is/was Ray Von in Phionex Nights, Neil Fitzmaurice. He started off in Brookside as Sinnot the drug dealer. He was in an episode of The Office aswell arguin with brent over Dwarves and Migets.


I saw him on the way into Cardiff mate round near gate 1. He was with three other lads and nobody else with me had the foggiest who he was.


And how could I forget...Had a chat with Robbie ans Macca at the Late room last year.


Paul's missus rules harder than anyone if you ask me.

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Last year I was in Birkenheads hot spot - "The Cool Room" and I was walking past one of the tables. I saw an ex of my best mates she called me over and had a chat. I noticed there was another bev on the table and asked who she was with, she said she'd got talking to some lad. Couple secs later who walks over but Didi Hamman, fucking wasted. I said, "is this him?" She said yes I said "do you know who he is?" she went "think he plays for Liverpool or Tranmere reserves or summit!" Dozy bint! Shook the fellers hand and said to him "Nice one for helping us win the European Cup" His response was "It wasn't a problem!" Fucking priceless. So he went up and got us all a round in. Fucking legend.



Haha. That was probably the night my mate saw him leathered in the Latin Quarter.

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mate in a bar in in leeds walked up to Lee Sharpe and infront of a load of leeds players rolls his sleeve up and goes.


"lets have a big round of applause for Lee Sharpe"


then starts slapping his arm in that trying to get a vein up / smack head type way.

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What a great thread. Right...


- Met Paul Gascoigne on the beach in Monaco, about 10 years ago

- Spoke to Danni Minouge at a Kylie gig in Paris last year

- Ian Botham is from my home town

- I've had drinks with Craig Short, cos he knows my brother-in-law

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met Paulo Maldini on holiday in Florida about 5 years ago,


met Frank worthington in a club in Leeds two years ago, he was absolutly steaming.


also nearly got run over by Stephane Henchoz... funny thing was two minutes later all you could was some one screwing the fuck out of there car then he handbrake turned around the corner guess who it was..... Igor Biscan in his BMW what a beast of a motor he was like Schumacher.


Went to a welsh national game when I was 10 back in 1993, before the game I met all the players at a hotel through Mark Aizelwood, then after the game got invited to the players lounge and sat on a round table with Ian Rush and Dean Saunders he bought me and me arl fella drinks all night and we was talking about Liverpool for about 2 hours it was ace, made up I was.


Dean Saunders was a legend at first he was sat down with three mint women aroung him I went over asked for his autograph and he said to this one bird "move up let him sit down" so there I was sat next to Saunders and in between three stunning women, he then left them there and joined me and me arl fella with Rushie, amazing day it was.


Met the Stereophonics and The Arctic Monkeys at concerts as well.

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On a non political side a Clinical Psychologist I work with is going to appear on BBLB talking about the lad with tourettes in this years Big Brother.


My Neuropsychiatrist, Hugh Rickards, (well not just mine, he has other patients too), is going to be on "Big Brothers' Big Brain" this evening - not sure if I should be shouting about that though....

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Guest davelfc

Met Bob Paisley one morning at Anfield when I was a kid, trying to get all the autographs from the players. He signed my book but all he said to me was "why aren't you in school son" (I was recovering from Glandular fever) All of the other players were great, signed autographs and chatted. Phil Neal stuck out as the best of the lot. Took longer to chat and seemed interested in what you had to say, a real gent.


Have met loads of celebs on my travels and in my work. Posh spice stood behind me in the duty free at Miami Airport, she was on the same flight as me back to London, (the one were she had her bags nicked, no I didn't do it) Had a piss standing next to Les Dennis in a toilet in Singapore, went out to the table to tell the people I was with and noticed he was sitting behind me with his former wife, you know that slag. Anelka and statto on my plane from Heathrow to Manchester, statto was sat in front of me and he looks like he was bulied at school. they held the MTV latino music awards last year in the same hotel as we stayed in, Jay Lo, Shakira and Enrique Iglesias stood next to me in the lobby and by the pool, best part was the presenters and some of the dancers..... Loads more....


When I was a raf copper was stuck on my own on this gate in the middle of nowhere at the back of the base, dressed in my best uniform the queen was making a private visit to the station and as she passed in the rolls she gave me a nice wave, phil the twat hates RAF coppers and turned away.

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