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Claims to fame


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I was once nearly run over by Louise Redknapp near the multi-story carpark in town, she smiled at me apologetically, and to be honest, I think she wanted a slice of the big mans pie.


Not a direct claim to fame, but my auntie met Mr T when he was in panto at the Empire theatre back in 1990 (saw it and it was ace) anyway, she got me his autograph but then managed to insult him, he'd come into the cafe where she worked for his dinner, and she noticed he had a gold knife and fork on one of his chains, she made a passing comment about how he should use them to eat his dinner, and he lost his rag big time.


Love her as I did (she wasn’t a proper auntie mind you, just a very close family friend for decades style auntie) I would have been in stitches if he’d thrown her through the window in slow motion, I reckon the responding emergency services would have been equally impressed also.


"I come in here, to your fine establishment, and you dissrespect my gold, you best get that look of your face too, before i knock it off"


I also went to school with ‘Leo’ from Brookside, Mick Johnson’s son apparently


I challenge anyone to beat these claims to fame.

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Guest Ulysses Everett McGill


Not a direct claim to fame, but my auntie met Mr T when he was in panto at the Empire theatre back in 1990 (saw it and it was ace) anyway, she got me his autograph but then managed to insult him, he'd come into the cafe where she worked for his dinner, and she noticed he had a gold knife and fork on one of his chains, she made a passing comment about how he should use them to eat his dinner, and he lost his rag big time.



It as Alladin wasn't it, i managed to get a photo with the big man after the show.


So there





Met Dominik Diamond, Dexter Fletcher and Diane Youdale over the course of two years when i was on Gamesworld and Gamesmaster a few times.

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It as Alladin wasn't it, i managed to get a photo with the big man after the show.


So there





Met Dominik Diamond, Dexter Fletcher and Diane Youdale over the course of two years when i was on Gamesworld and Gamesmaster a few times.




Did Diane Youdale smell good?


Edit: And did you ever come up against Julian 'Jazz' Rignall? He was one of my childhood heroes!

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Shared a joint with Alan Davey, bass player with Hawkwind in the bogs at Reading University just before a Hawkwind gig.


Pointed and laughed at an increasingly irate Sir Clive Sinclair whilst tripping balls on acid, his irritation caused by a pair of bearded goons with big pupils pointing and laughing at him.


Shared a joint and had a personal (well, me and 3 others) performance from Roy Harper (folk musician) whilst staying behind after a gig.



Met a woman in North Wales, off the CB radio, who claimed to be Ian Rush's Auntie. When we invited ourselves around for a brew, she had various pictures of him up all over the place. Real auntie or scatterbrained old nympho who uses the Ian Rush Auntie line in order to have lots of liverpool supporting blokes around at her house? You decide....


Used to wash Craig Johnstones car in Sandfield Park when I was a nipper. Dead sound fella. Used to give us a fiver, and his other half used to bring us loads of munchies and glasses of drinks.


Been in Sammy Lees parents house with my Dad. My arl fella is (was) an upholsterer, and got the job to do their setee one time. All I remember was all the dead posh electrical gear they had in the living room was all made by Hitachi.


And on a closely related note, our kid has been in Graheme Sounesses bedroom. I best explain this one. Similar to the Sammy Lee story, he was with my arl fella doing a job in his house in Sandfield Park, and one of the bits of furniture was in his bedroom. I seem to recall that Souness still owes a couple of bob on the job done too, the tight-arsed Scottish twat.

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Guest Ulysses Everett McGill


Did Diane Youdale smell good?


Edit: And did you ever come up against Julian 'Jazz' Rignall? He was one of my childhood heroes!



Editor of Mean Machines and laterly CVG?


Yeah, he was shite at Street Fighter though, as was David Walliams who was on Games World at the time with BBB.


Bob Mills was a nice fella an all.

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Delivering pizza in the late 80s was cut-off by a tennage Alannis Morrisette.


Shared an elevator ride with Orchestral Manouevers in the Dark (OMD).


Also was in an elevator with former Canadian PM Joe Clark when he was Minister of External Affairs.


Hung out at the Churchill Airport with Rick Mercer (only Canadians know who he is). For a Newfoundlander he was a bit cranky and the cheeky fucker swore at my daughter's dog (a rat dog mix of Shi-tzu and Bichon weighing 3 Kg). So what he was bumped at Churchill by Japanese and American polar bear tourists and had to wait 14 hours whilst Calm Air sorted their aeroplanes. (I had to wait 12 hours as well as the fuckers bumped me, but there was a payoff- free beer from Churchill to Winnipeg. Flight attendant would only bring me one at time. Thank fuck that little call buzzer worked.)

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I met Tiger Woods at the open in Birkdale a few years back, nice fella. Then, on the way to the train station, we met Jamie Redknapp and Neil Ruddock and I got there autographs. I went home a very, very happy little boy.


Also Me. my dad and my dads work partner worked on Stevie G's garage, changing it into a gym. Alex made us belter ham sarnies, Stevie wern't there most of the day, met him once in 3 days. Gods honest truth.

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I met Tiger Woods at the open in Birkdale a few years back, nice fella. Then, on the way to the train station, we met Jamie Redknapp and Neil Ruddock and I got there autographs. I went home a very, very happy little boy.


Also Me. my dad and my dads work partner worked on Stevie G's garage, changing it into a gym. Alex made us belter ham sarnies, Stevie wern't there most of the day, met him once in 3 days. Gods honest truth.


And you've got a liver condition?? Pull the other one! :tease:

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Well I'm dead cool and hang out with all sorts of hip folk. I met Jamie Redknapp in the Dorchester a couple of weeks ago but I was bladdered so I think I just smiled and said "Hi". I did, apparently, manage to text Mr Cath and tell him about it though.

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I've met Jan Molby, who's the nicest bloke you could ever wish to meet, but I'm sure that's no big surprise. His wife, Mandy, made us a cup of tea while we talked football in the kitchen.


I've met Old Big Ears on a couple of occasions. Beautiful. No wonder the rest of Europe wants her.

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Guest TK-421

Jazz Rignall ruled as did Zzap 64 and Mean Machines. Anyone remember Radion Automatic from Mean Machines?


As far as claims to fame go, I played in a 5-a-side tournament for charidy at Higbury, some dude from Dream Team and Liam Howlett from the Prodigy were playing for a celeb team. Liam Howlett did not have a good touch for a big man.

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Guest TK-421

Oh and one time I was completely fucked out of my face on Vodka Redbulls in a club. I walked to the bogs and saw Mani, who was DJing on, the way past. I just started screaming and he started screaming back it was fookin' hilarious!

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Jazz Rignall ruled as did Zzap 64 and Mean Machines. Anyone remember Radion Automatic from Mean Machines?


As far as claims to fame go, I played in a 5-a-side tournament for charidy at Higbury, some dude from Dream Team and Liam Howlett from the Prodigy were playing for a celeb team. Liam Howlett did not have a good touch for a big man.


Wasn't Radion Automatic actually his real name? He’d changed it by deed-pole, apparently from Richard Cheese!


Mean machines was ace, the golden age.


I’m related to Ian Calaghan apparently, although its so distant Tonto is a closer relation to me


© Uncle Junior (the real one)

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Met George Michael a couple of years ago at Heathrow... lovely bloke... they were holding the flight for him as he was late because of traffic... I asked for his autograph and one of the Virgin Atlantic airways staff said "We really must get your through Mr. Michael" and he replied "an extra 30 seconds is hardly going to make that much differece is it..." So he signed my piece of paper and had a chat for about a minute (just to piss them off even more!!) and off he went... Nice Bloke...

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After a somewhat heavy night out a good few years ago, popped into McDonalds opposite Lewis' around 3am, as I came out Vegard Heggem was there with two mates, being somewhat inebriated I decided to shout "ALRIGHT VEGARD!" To which he replied "Alright there mate!" Was well chuffed! Of course realised in sobriety the next day he probably thought I was a right numpty!

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Guest TK-421
Wasn't Radion Automatic actually his real name? He’d changed it by deed-pole, apparently from Richard Cheese!


I hope that's true. He used to draw cartoons and sign them off as Radion Automatic and send them in. They printed a couple and then gave him a job!


Unfortunately I believed the Mean Machines hype and bought animported Japanese Mega CD as soon as they came out, it wasn't cheap, and the games were mostly shit. Final Fight CD was good though and there were some top RPG's that the Megadrive couldn't cope with, but talk about a white elephant.

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Guest Bootle_red

David James broke my toe and gave me a shiner when i was about 12.

Waiting for autographs outside Anfield and as I shouted him, he spun round and elbowed me square on the bridge of me nose!!!

Then as he drove off, he ran over me toe!!!

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