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Ponce Nazeem Hamed sent down.....


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The fight with Barrera should've happened 2 years earlier, but Hamed was eating royally off his WBO belt and telling everyone that if Junior Jones could beat him, then it was an easy fight and why should he bother?

The fight I really wanted to see was Erik Morales vs Hamed a couple of years before when Hamed was still at his 'peak' beating close to retirement fighters.

The reason I wanted to see it was, while Barrera was clinical, Morales was nasty and more likely to both pick him apart, but also mix it and I think Morales would've knocked him all round the ring and really showed him up.


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15 hours ago, Gruntfuttock said:

Walked past him once in Sheffield's branch of John Lewis,he looked up at me and I looked down at him (I'm 6ft 5') we both nodded to each other and both went on our way.

You have a knack for story telling. It was like i was in the perfume section with you.

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On 01/10/2024 at 15:50, Gruntfuttock said:

Walked past him once in Sheffield's branch of John Lewis,he looked up at me and I looked down at him (I'm 6ft 5') we both nodded to each other and both went on our way.

Even if I was that size I wouldn't fancy a crack off him.

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