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Fowler Rumour??


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Back on Fowler...


Doesn't anyone else think it would be sad if he comes back and things don't go well?

The thought of him being too slow to get on the end of an Alonzo through ball and being subjected to chants of 'you fat bastard' by opposition fans would really get to me - I'd rather remember the lad that put three past arsenal in a five minute spell.

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Back on Fowler...


Doesn't anyone else think it would be sad if he comes back and things don't go well?

The thought of him being too slow to get on the end of an Alonzo through ball and being subjected to chants of 'you fat bastard' by opposition fans would really get to me - I'd rather remember the lad that put three past arsenal in a five minute spell.


I'd rather see him reading what Morientes is thinking and moving onto his little flicks and tricks to just bury chances from the edge of the penalty area.

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We are you asking Rashid? He makes things up every day just to throw a strop.


When we dont sign fowler Rashid will complain as well. Nobody can win. We really do have to start ignoring him.



When I joined I vowed never to put anyone on the ignore list because on a forum everyone has the right to express their views.


But he’s one off topic message away from going on it for today cause I’m sick of him badmouthing everything, and bringing up the same old stuff everyday f’ing day.


Its beyond a joke now

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Back on Fowler...


Doesn't anyone else think it would be sad if he comes back and things don't go well?

The thought of him being too slow to get on the end of an Alonzo through ball and being subjected to chants of 'you fat bastard' by opposition fans would really get to me - I'd rather remember the lad that put three past arsenal in a five minute spell.


Thats the same feelings I have on the matter, I hope IF he does come back thats not the case. I really do.

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Back on Fowler...


Doesn't anyone else think it would be sad if he comes back and things don't go well?

The thought of him being too slow to get on the end of an Alonzo through ball and being subjected to chants of 'you fat bastard' by opposition fans would really get to me - I'd rather remember the lad that put three past arsenal in a five minute spell.


I think that's the only valid reason for not bringing him back


But if he is used,I reckon it would only be from the bench so he ought to have enough energy to bust a gut chasing where necessary.


And is he really slower than Crouch or Morientes?I'm sure he's still a damn sight quicker than either of them reacting to a flick on or a loose ball in the box.

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Just watching him in training would help Crouch, some ability might help Cisse.



I see what your saying but i don't think Fowler's brand of striking ability can actually be 'taught' that what made him great - its pure instinct...


Was anyone trully devestated when Fowler left or simply sad? I fell into the latter category, and I don't think he's improved as a player since he left, if anything he's lost the fire in his eyes to an even greater extent - much as I hate to say it, he's looked like a player counting the days till retirement for years now.

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It has some similarities(sp) but Pellegrino was on Rafa's terms, and by the looks of it Fowler isn't.


True...and that is the main reason why i doubt he will return.


But the Pellegrino deal still shows that Rafa will look for short term solutions, when his main target is unavailable. So it`s far from unthinkable.


Although i would love to see Robbie in the red jersey once more, im afraid he wont be able to live up to expectations, and will be a pale shadow of his former self. Robbie will never be the player he was.

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Getting 11mil for fowler was a masterstroke.

I still think people are living in the romantic idealism of it all.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder and all that.


He is not half the player he was (a third?), and is injury prone. After the initial novelty it will all go back to how it was.


Silly idea if you ask me, and if we are that skint then the job lot upstairs needs to be fucking sacked. (sorry to sound like rash there!)

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I see what your saying but i don't think Fowler's brand of striking ability can actually be 'taught' that what made him great - its pure instinct...


Was anyone trully devestated when Fowler left or simply sad? I fell into the latter category, and I don't think he's improved as a player since he left, if anything he's lost the fire in his eyes to an even greater extent - much as I hate to say it, he's looked like a player counting the days till retirement for years now.


The point you make about him teaching his ability is very valid. In his book he says Macca used to ask him how when he scored the ball always hit the side netting and Fowler never knew. He said it just goes there. But Crouch watching him move and use the keepers angles to his advantage would surely benefit him?


I was absolutely gutted when he went, even more so as my old mans a Leeds fan and was taking the piss for months after. I did think it was hard to turn that money down though.

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Getting 11mil for fowler was a masterstroke.

I still think people are living in the romantic idealism of it all.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder and all that.


He is not half the player he was (a third?), and is injury prone. After the initial novelty it will all go back to how it was.


Silly idea if you ask me, and if we are that skint then the job lot upstairs needs to be fucking sacked. (sorry to sound like rash there!)



Oh Jesus.. he'll be back on this thread in a minute O_o

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Getting 11mil for fowler was a masterstroke.

I still think people are living in the romantic idealism of it all.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder and all that.


He is not half the player he was (a third?), and is injury prone. After the initial novelty it will all go back to how it was.


Silly idea if you ask me, and if we are that skint then the job lot upstairs needs to be fucking sacked. (sorry to sound like rash there!)


If we ARE skint (which we obviously are not), bringing Fowler in on low salary would be another masterstroke. I bet we would sell millions of nose plasters the first week.

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In his book he says Macca used to ask him how when he scored the ball always hit the side netting and Fowler never knew. He said it just goes there.


That statement there - just sums up the greatness of the player, he doesn't even know how he scores, he just does - its like breathing...

How many times did i tune into Radio City late for a match and here the commentator say "Liverpool 1-0 up..." And I already knew the next sentance "And Robie Fowler on ... minutes with a lethal finish"


I suppose here in lies the danger, sentimentality....

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That statement there - just sums up the greatness of the player, he doesn't even know how he scores, he just does - its like breathing...

How many times did i tune into Radio City late for a match and here the commentator say "Liverpool 1-0 up..." And I already knew the next sentance "And Robie Fowler on ... minutes with a lethal finish"


It was a given wasn't it. The guy was awesome.

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LIVERPOOL have dismissed radio reports this morning claiming that Robbie Fowler is returning to Anfield on-loan.


Chief executive Rick Parry said today: "There has been no dialogue whatsoever between Manchester City and ourselves.


"The story is not true."


Liverpool's goal-shy performance at Old Trafford last Sunday has increased speculation that the Reds would benefit from the presence of a poacher like Fowler in their squad, despite the fact he left the club five years ago.

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LIVERPOOL have dismissed radio reports this morning claiming that Robbie Fowler is returning to Anfield on-loan.


Chief executive Rick Parry said today: "There has been no dialogue whatsoever between Manchester City and ourselves.


"The story is not true."


Liverpool's goal-shy performance at Old Trafford last Sunday has increased speculation that the Reds would benefit from the presence of a poacher like Fowler in their squad, despite the fact he left the club five years ago.

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LIVERPOOL have dismissed radio reports this morning claiming that Robbie Fowler is returning to Anfield on-loan.


Chief executive Rick Parry said today: "There has been no dialogue whatsoever between Manchester City and ourselves.


"The story is not true."


Liverpool's goal-shy performance at Old Trafford last Sunday has increased speculation that the Reds would benefit from the presence of a poacher like Fowler in their squad, despite the fact he left the club five years ago.

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LIVERPOOL have dismissed radio reports this morning claiming that Robbie Fowler is returning to Anfield on-loan.


Chief executive Rick Parry said today: "There has been no dialogue whatsoever between Manchester City and ourselves.


"The story is not true."


Liverpool's goal-shy performance at Old Trafford last Sunday has increased speculation that the Reds would benefit from the presence of a poacher like Fowler in their squad, despite the fact he left the club five years ago.

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LIVERPOOL have dismissed radio reports this morning claiming that Robbie Fowler is returning to Anfield on-loan.


Chief executive Rick Parry said today: "There has been no dialogue whatsoever between Manchester City and ourselves.


"The story is not true."


Liverpool's goal-shy performance at Old Trafford last Sunday has increased speculation that the Reds would benefit from the presence of a poacher like Fowler in their squad, despite the fact he left the club five years ago.

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