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Israel - A Rant


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10 hours ago, Planet Origi said:



Likes of section and NF would rather you injected the bbc into your veins


You're preaching largely to the choir, I think Israel are cunts now, but that opinion has been formed by watching what they've done and how they've responded to the likes of the UN calling for them to rein things in.


Spamming the GF, which is part of a football forum, with tweets of headless babies followed by 'zionist scum" and then branding anyone who questions the act "zionist scum" seems largely superfluous.

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25 minutes ago, Section_31 said:


You're preaching largely to the choir, I think Israel are cunts now, but that opinion has been formed by watching what they've done and how they've responded to the likes of the UN calling for them to rein things in.


Spamming the GF, which is part of a football forum, with tweets of headless babies followed by 'zionist scum" and then branding anyone who questions the act "zionist scum" seems largely superfluous.

I find it ironic that that the ones using terms like ‘gammon’ are the ones posting so much spam. 

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30 minutes ago, TheHowieLama said:


The lad is from Lebanon - his parents house is probably getting bombed. 

This social media work certainly can't be the only thing going on.

Thank you for your concern.


My parents house is thankfully not in one of the areas that have been heavily targeted, so far, but it is still a big worry every time they bomb a road they might use or a nearby area they might be passing by.

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