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Israel - A Rant


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3 hours ago, Arniepie said:

Videos posted to social media appear to show Maccabi Tel Aviv fans chanting racist slogans about Arabs and Palestine, as well as climbing on a building to tear down a Palestinian flag on display.

Social media users said the videos were from before the attacks on Israelis. Footage from the stadium also appeared to show Maccabi fans jeering and whistling during a minute's silence for those killed in floods in Valencia.


This is from the night before the match. You might need Google Translate. 




Also heard that inside the Arena they were chanting about death to Arabs and no more schools in Gaza. 



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15 minutes ago, Carradona said:



Im in Turkish Cyprus at the minute and I asked a barman who he supported and he very discreetly whispered Beskitas and looked around. Rest of the people here seem to be Galatasaray or Fenerbache. Superb people all of them here. One though is a massive Reds fan because of Mo. He couldn’t believe we were from Liverpool and kept coming back over. Only one other English couple here it’s bliss. 

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18 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

Im in Turkish Cyprus at the minute and I asked a barman who he supported and he very discreetly whispered Beskitas and looked around. Rest of the people here seem to be Galatasaray or Fenerbache. Superb people all of them here. One though is a massive Reds fan because of Mo. He couldn’t believe we were from Liverpool and kept coming back over. Only one other English couple here it’s bliss. 

Take a break from the forum, unwind and actually enjoy your holiday.

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31 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

Im in Turkish Cyprus at the minute and I asked a barman who he supported and he very discreetly whispered Beskitas and looked around. Rest of the people here seem to be Galatasaray or Fenerbache. Superb people all of them here. One though is a massive Reds fan because of Mo. He couldn’t believe we were from Liverpool and kept coming back over. Only one other English couple here it’s bliss. 

You were planning to order some food in the Besiktas bar, but in the end you ate nothing.


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1 minute ago, VERBAL DIARRHEA said:

Watch what you eat, you don’t want to get Cyprus ill.

Have a good time and good luck.

Hahaha I had some chili sauce earlier that went right through me. And I’ve had loads of seafood including shrimp tonight. Last time I had shrimp abroad was in Egypt and I spent a day on the shitter. 

Cheers man! 

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33 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

Hahaha I had some chili sauce earlier that went right through me. And I’ve had loads of seafood including shrimp tonight. Last time I had shrimp abroad was in Egypt and I spent a day on the shitter. 

Cheers man! 

I was in Corfu in September and took Buscopan for my IBS for the first time in a while and had some near misses. 

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