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Israel - A Rant


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9 minutes ago, Creator Supreme said:

Am I wrong in thinking that Ajax has a massive Jewish fan base too? I know one of the big Dutch clubs does, and I think it's them.


If so, I wonder if any of their Jewish fan groups were involved in the scrap with the Tel Aviv fans. Would they be antisemitic too if that were the case?




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1 hour ago, cloggypop said:


Well, most of them will have been in it. It's sort of compulsory and I doubt there's many ultra orthodox religious international away fans in their number. 

There is that I suppose.


Just mean that it's probably orchestrated and magnified so it prompts outcry.

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13 hours ago, Anubis said:

What’s going on here? Cunts v Cunts?



Haven't there been anti-Netanyahu protests for a while?  I think a lot of Israeli people think that he's not arsed about getting the hostages home and is prioritising mass-murder.

I think they may have a point.

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15 minutes ago, Creator Supreme said:

Am I wrong in thinking that Ajax has a massive Jewish fan base too? I know one of the big Dutch clubs does, and I think it's them.


If so, I wonder if any of their Jewish fan groups were involved in the scrap with the Tel Aviv fans. Would they be antisemitic too if that were the case?


Ajax claims to have Jewish roots but in actuality are no more Jewish than Feyenoord. 


They have been asked to stop emphasising this Jewish identity from actual Jewish fans as it often ends up with non Jews taunting other non Jews in ways that are only going to be massively offensive to the actually Jewish fans there. 


The fighting seems to have been between pro Palestine protestors and Israeli football hooligans. The Ajax hooligans (F Side) announced before the match  that they would be attacking the pro Palestinians if they were outside the Arena. This was claimed to keep politics out of football but most of F Side will be islamophobic Wilders voters anyway. 

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Videos posted to social media appear to show Maccabi Tel Aviv fans chanting racist slogans about Arabs and Palestine, as well as climbing on a building to tear down a Palestinian flag on display.

Social media users said the videos were from before the attacks on Israelis. Footage from the stadium also appeared to show Maccabi fans jeering and whistling during a minute's silence for those killed in floods in Valencia.

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3 minutes ago, Arniepie said:

Videos posted to social media appear to show Maccabi Tel Aviv fans chanting racist slogans about Arabs and Palestine, as well as climbing on a building to tear down a Palestinian flag on display.

Social media users said the videos were from before the attacks on Israelis. Footage from the stadium also appeared to show Maccabi fans jeering and whistling during a minute's silence for those killed in floods in Valencia.


Full bit here -



Videos posted to social media appear to show Maccabi Tel Aviv fans chanting racist slogans about Arabs and Palestine, as well as climbing on a building to tear down a Palestinian flag on display.

Social media users said the videos were from before the attacks on Israelis. Footage from the stadium also appeared to show Maccabi fans jeering and whistling during a minute's silence for those killed in floods in Valencia.

The BBC is working to verify the videos. Some Maccabi Tel Aviv fans have previously been involved in racist incidents in Israel, including cursing at the team’s Palestinian and Arab players and reportedly applying pressure on the team to oust them.

Fans of the team have also previously attacked protesters demonstrating against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.


It's dressed up as if it's some little aside.


So, some racist, violent hooligans who booed a minute's silence for the deaths of hundreds of innocent people got filled in.


Er...how sad for them.

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5 minutes ago, Jairzinho said:


Full bit here -



It's dressed up as if it's some little aside.


So, some racist, violent hooligans who booed a minute's silence for the deaths of hundreds of innocent people got filled in.


Er...how sad for them.

getting described as a pogrom


The Central Jewish Consultation (CJO), the main Jewish community organisation in the Netherlands, says Amsterdam taxi drivers "played a major role in the assaults" last night.


Peter Holla tells reporters in Amsterdam Maccabi supporters attacked a taxi and set a Palestinian flag on fire on Wednesday.

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1 hour ago, cloggypop said:


Ajax claims to have Jewish roots but in actuality are no more Jewish than Feyenoord. 


They have been asked to stop emphasising this Jewish identity from actual Jewish fans as it often ends up with non Jews taunting other non Jews in ways that are only going to be massively offensive to the actually Jewish fans there. 


The fighting seems to have been between pro Palestine protestors and Israeli football hooligans. The Ajax hooligans (F Side) announced before the match  that they would be attacking the pro Palestinians if they were outside the Arena. This was claimed to keep politics out of football but most of F Side will be islamophobic Wilders voters anyway. 


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1 hour ago, cloggypop said:



The fighting seems to have been between pro Palestine protestors and Israeli football hooligans. The Ajax hooligans (F Side) announced before the match  that they would be attacking the pro Palestinians if they were outside the Arena. This was claimed to keep politics out of football but most of F Side will be islamophobic Wilders voters anyway. 

I’ve also read that Amsterdam has a relatively large Moroccan population and that it was some of them that were involved in handing out local justice to the Maccabi fans. 

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