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Israel - A Rant


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2 minutes ago, Carradona said:

Filthy basket case of a nation.

There are many Israelis who want this all to stop. Also many who have been brainwashed into believing what they hear on their local news that it really is self defence. There are plenty of decent Jewish people worldwide calling out this slaughter. I wouldn’t Nuke Israel. I would however happily watch every single one of them who are cheering this genocide get thrown into that devils hole in Kazakhstan.  Evil fucking bastards. Gods chosen people? If there was a god he’d have been done with these cunts a long time ago. 

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2 hours ago, MacsBurstNads said:

There are many Israelis who want this all to stop. Also many who have been brainwashed into believing what they hear on their local news that it really is self defence. There are plenty of decent Jewish people worldwide calling out this slaughter. I wouldn’t Nuke Israel. I would however happily watch every single one of them who are cheering this genocide get thrown into that devils hole in Kazakhstan.  Evil fucking bastards. Gods chosen people? If there was a god he’d have been done with these cunts a long time ago. 

Nah, fuck Israel. A nation who are actively putting on boat rides for their folk to see first hand the destruction in Palestine...evil bastards. A nation who has voted for that evil Nazi cunt multiple times...fuck them. Their sporting heroes signing bombs destined for schools and hospitals....fuck them.


I didn't mention Jews, so I'd rather you didn't bring them into it as it's not relevant. 

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1 hour ago, Carradona said:

Nah, fuck Israel. A nation who are actively putting on boat rides for their folk to see first hand the destruction in Palestine...evil bastards. A nation who has voted for that evil Nazi cunt multiple times...fuck them. Their sporting heroes signing bombs destined for schools and hospitals....fuck them.


I didn't mention Jews, so I'd rather you didn't bring them into it as it's not relevant. 

I have close friends of my mrs living in Tel Aviv and none of them want all this they also have two daughters. How can I wish them bad when they are good people ? The woman grew up I Liverpool and married and Israeli fella years ago. I don’t wanna see them die. 


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Possibly 150 dead in an attack on a residential tower block in Jabalia.


Palestinian journalists and being deliberately targeted.


Just another day in the the world of Israeli government genocidal maniacs and those who support them.



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32 minutes ago, Anubis said:

Possibly 150 dead in an attack on a residential tower block in Jabalia.


Palestinian journalists and being deliberately targeted.


Just another day in the the world of Israeli government genocidal maniacs and those who support them.



Fuck off you anti-Semitic prick 

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3 hours ago, Carradona said:

Nah, fuck Israel. A nation who are actively putting on boat rides for their folk to see first hand the destruction in Palestine...evil bastards. A nation who has voted for that evil Nazi cunt multiple times...fuck them. Their sporting heroes signing bombs destined for schools and hospitals....fuck them.


I didn't mention Jews, so I'd rather you didn't bring them into it as it's not relevant. 

I don’t know you know, quite an a big factor or at the very least; part of being an Israeli is that there’s a high chance you are going to be of Jewish heritage. So, it’s pretty relevant 

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8 minutes ago, Skidfingers McGonical said:

I don’t know you know, quite an a big factor or at the very least; part of being an Israeli is that there’s a high chance you are going to be of Jewish heritage. So, it’s pretty relevant 

You can try your best to bring Jewish heritage into the conversation, that's on you. Being Jews doesn't make them evil, blood-thirsty maniacs. Fuck Israel. 

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34 minutes ago, Skidfingers McGonical said:

I don’t know you know, quite an a big factor or at the very least; part of being an Israeli is that there’s a high chance you are going to be of Jewish heritage. So, it’s pretty relevant 

Strontz called Carra an anti-Semite last week for a neg. Nothing anti-Semitic involved just fumed over a neg. Same as the other day when he asked you to drink some substance. Why haven’t you asked SD to apologise to Carra? 

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On 24/10/2024 at 17:57, MacsBurstNads said:

I have close friends of my mrs living in Tel Aviv and none of them want all this they also have two daughters. How can I wish them bad when they are good people ? The woman grew up I Liverpool and married and Israeli fella years ago. I don’t wanna see them die. 


Have you had a conversation with them and asked if they've ever voted for Afolf Netanyahu? Just to be sure...

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