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Israel - A Rant


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I wonder how much death and destruction the fucking psychos have to carry out before we even consider stopping sending arms over there. The US have threatened to stop soon from what I saw if they don't start getting aid into Gaza but the Israeli gov will probably be bombing Iran before then anyway so maybe it'll be pushed aside as that's focused on instead. I really can't take US gov saying they'll stop sending arms seriously at this stage though, I think the only way I'd believe it at all would be if it actually happened.

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44 minutes ago, Red Phoenix said:

I wonder how much death and destruction the fucking psychos have to carry out before we even consider stopping sending arms over there. The US have threatened to stop soon from what I saw if they don't start getting aid into Gaza but the Israeli gov will probably be bombing Iran before then anyway so maybe it'll be pushed aside as that's focused on instead. I really can't take US gov saying they'll stop sending arms seriously at this stage though, I think the only way I'd believe it at all would be if it actually happened.

I think it would take the use of a Weapon of Mass Destruction that hasn't been sanctioned by the US to stop them arming Israel.

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2 hours ago, Creator Supreme said:

I think it would take the use of a Weapon of Mass Destruction that hasn't been sanctioned by the US to stop them arming Israel.


Maybe, or it could just draw them in more if they felt the need to try and protect them from any potential response if they ever did.


I hope you're more accurate than me there though because if that wouldn't be enough to do it maybe nothing would be.

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1 hour ago, Red Phoenix said:


Maybe, or it could just draw them in more if they felt the need to try and protect them from any potential response if they ever did.


I hope you're more accurate than me there though because if that wouldn't be enough to do it maybe nothing would be.

I just hope it never gets that far mate.


It's heartbreaking to see the destruction over there. I don't care about the religion or ethnicity of those dying, I just want it to fucking stop.

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17 minutes ago, Creator Supreme said:

I just hope it never gets that far mate.


It's heartbreaking to see the destruction over there. I don't care about the religion or ethnicity of those dying, I just want it to fucking stop.


Yeah hoping it never goes to that too and also sick of seeing what's happening. I don't know where it ends but maybe if more European countries say they've had enough of it whoever's left still sending arms over there or supporting them will be more isolated and that could help it stop sooner. Other than that no idea.

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Funny how they didn't find him under a baby's crib.



"It has long been thought that Sinwar had surrounded himself with Israeli hostages to lessen the likelihood of being killed. However, in a statement, the prime minister’s office said that no hostages were believed to have been present.


Without citing a source, Channel 12 reported that Sinwar had been hiding with the six hostages whose bodies were recovered by the IDF in August after they were killed by their captors as Israeli troops approached."





Goodbye to an evil cunt, but his deserved death isn't going to change anything, unfortunately.


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27 minutes ago, an tha said:


I think you'll find this is about eradicating Hamas. It is definitely not ethnic cleansing and a colonial project.


Goes without saying that I hope the 10 Likud ministers are gutted like fish. In the street.

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On 17/10/2024 at 17:51, Carradona said:

Hamas leader has been killed. I'm sure that's the end of Israel's murderous regime on the innocent civilians in Palestine, right? 

Narrator: this was, in fact, not the case. The blood thirsty Israelis continued to bomb schools and refugee camps.

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Nothing to see here just another 100 innocent souls blown to pieces but honest move along, one sole nobhead on twitter accused half Jewish Simon Cowell of staging Liam Paynes death or something, that’s the real story 





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4 hours ago, Nelly-Szoboszlai said:

The murderous scum blew up more aid workers yesterday, despite being pre-informed who they were and with them travelling in a clearly marked car. 

Horrible cunts. 


Yet the Daily Mail are alleging that the wife of Hamas leader is carrying a 33,000 designer bag. Lying racist cunts 

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6 hours ago, Bjornebye said:

Yet the Daily Mail are alleging that the wife of Hamas leader is carrying a 33,000 designer bag. Lying racist cunts 





“Nice suit. John Phillips, London. I have two myself. Rumor has it Yahya Sinwar buys his there.”




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17 hours ago, Bjornebye said:

Nothing to see here just another 100 innocent souls blown to pieces but honest move along, one sole nobhead on twitter accused half Jewish Simon Cowell of staging Liam Paynes death or something, that’s the real story 






10 hours ago, Nelly-Szoboszlai said:

The murderous scum blew up more aid workers yesterday, despite being pre-informed who they were and with them travelling in a clearly marked car. 

Horrible cunts. 




Evil, murdering, genocidal scumbags are going to scumbag. I'm sure Engy will be along to condemn this in short order.


Engy? Engy?

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