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Israel - A Rant


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7 minutes ago, Kepler-186 said:

Not very clever from Mensa, Clive. 


Did you listen?


It was like a discarded Lewis Carroll chapter.


'What number of people died during the bombing?'


'How dare you trust Hamas with the figures?'


'We have to independant doctors who confirm similar numbers, footage from the scene, testimony from witneses' so what numbers do you say?'


'You trust these Hamas terrorists to tell the truth, why would you, we are a democracy and have always been open'


'You have disputed every number that has come out despite evidence, refuse reporters into Gaza and have a track record of misinformation'


'We are the reporters as we are democratic, you are just the reporting arm for Hamas now and the BBC should be beyond that. On the 7tth of October...'


Fade into insanity...

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44 minutes ago, Carradona said:

Adolf Netanyahu will respond by murdering another 100 kids.


Its not even his real name. Meanwhile. 








One of the 'lucky' kids. Although they'll probably get her next time. 






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19 minutes ago, Bruce Spanner said:


Did you listen?


It was like a discarded Lewis Carroll chapter.


'What number of people died during the bombing?'


'How dare you trust Hamas with the figures?'


'We have to independant doctors who confirm similar numbers, footage from the scene, testimony from witneses' so what numbers do you say?'


'You trust these Hamas terrorists to tell the truth, why would you, we are a democracy and have always been open'


'You have disputed every number that has come out despite evidence, refuse reporters into Gaza and have a track record of misinformation'


'We are the reporters as we are democratic, you are just the reporting arm for Hamas now and the BBC should be beyond that. On the 7tth of October...'


Fade into insanity...

I haven’t listened to it yet mate R4 doesn’t work for me on the treadmill what time was it on about I’ll have a listen on Sounds in a bit? 


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1 hour ago, Kepler-186 said:

Not very clever from Mensa, Clive. 




Mencer is the former leader of Labour friends of Israel and was campaign manager for David Lammys unsuccessful attempt to become London mayor. I also haven't heard the Mishel Hussain interview but as Hussain is in a different league to the clown it's unsurprising if it went badly for him. Suprised they still wheel him out.



Here he is having his arse handed to him on Channel 4 news. 





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3 hours ago, Carradona said:

Adolf Netanyahu will respond by murdering another 100 kids.


They probably feel like they can get away with almost anything when you have European leaders releasing shite like this. Not even a mention of Israel when people all over the world can clearly see the genocide that's being carried out. It's almost like they think every single war crime Israel take part in can be covered if they robotically say Hamas and hostages for the thousandth time. US also sending more military over there, it's completely backwards.



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That statement is hilarious. Hamas attacked Israel, Israel unleashed some genocide, carried out some assassinations in Lebanon and Iran but if Iran raise a hand its all their fault. Good news is there is an opportunity for peace and stability. Would be a real shame if they jeopardised that, we're so close.



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3 hours ago, Arniepie said:

is there fucking any need to post stuff like that?

Sorry about that.


I witnessed such horrors as a child growing up in Beirut during the Israeli invasion of 1982, and again as a young man in 2006. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, they say.


Sometimes I forget that other people in this world didn’t have the misfortune of having to experience such horrors first hand.


My bad. Apologies.

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Sad this. Awful they feel so exasperated. They've done such good work whilst putting their own lives at risk.




GazaMartyrs to be no more.



Straw that broke the camels back?





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