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Israel - A Rant


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6 minutes ago, Bruce Spanner said:

Yep, not what you thought you we’re posting earlier, massive surprise, I know,


Seems they’re more upset about the judiciary than they are about Palestinians.


Who’d a thunk it, eh?


Stop digging Bentley boy. I explained what the protests were about to Jennings when asked. So don't tell more fibs. Or is this the  "nuanced debate" you speak of you pompous prig.


Once again for Bruce at the back....


Tel Aviv tonight. Not 2023. Not 2013. Tel Aviv Tonight. Not tomorrow, not yesterday. TONIGHT. 6/04/2024







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9 minutes ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:

Please stop posting the same tweet.


If you followed the thread you may understand the reason for posting the tweet more than once is because the authenticity of the content was called out more than once. 


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2 minutes ago, Gnasher said:


If you followed the thread you may understand the reason for posting the tweet more than once is because the authenticity of the content was called our more than once. 


I followed it. Bruce alleged the image is from 2023. You reposting the same exact tweet three times on the same page doesn't refute anything. Use words. Find evidence. Not everything can be summed up by someone else's tweet, let alone the same one that was alleged to be incorrect.

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27 minutes ago, Bruce Spanner said:

Yep, not what you thought you we’re posting earlier, massive surprise, I know,


Seems they’re more upset about the judiciary than they are about Palestinians.


Who’d a thunk it, eh?



I bet you'd hate them to be upset about "Palestinians" wouldn't you Spanner?



In truth it seems they're upset about a number of things but then you're still in 2023 so it's understandable why you're struggling. 









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3 minutes ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:


I followed it. Bruce alleged the image is from 2023. You reposting the same exact tweet three times on the same page doesn't refute anything. Use words. Find evidence. Not everything can be summed up by someone else's tweet, let alone the same one that was alleged to be incorrect.


I posted numerous different pieces of evidence the main one I reported was from the former head of public prosecutions and the Dean of Manchester University Nazir Afzal. The only posters speaking truth on this page is myself and Cloggy. I've also provided information about what's going on in Tel Aviv,. 


As for evidence I'll use what I see fit. If you do not believe the man below or the tweet irritates you then vent your annoyance at those who refuse to accept truth. 






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From Guardian updates :



The Israeli military has withdrawn all ground troops from the southern Gaza Strip except for one brigade, a military spokesperson has said, according to Reuters.

An Israeli brigade is typically made up of a few thousand troops.

The military did not immediately provide further details, and it was unclear whether the withdrawal would delay a long-threatened incursion into the southern Gaza city of Rafah, the last refuge for more than a million Palestinians sheltering in the territory near the border with Egypt.

The White House has said it will not support a Rafah operation without the Israelis presenting a credible plan to ensure the safety of Palestinian civilians.

Israeli officials have said that Rafah is Hamas’ last major stronghold in Gaza.


Middle East crisis live

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Yes, what you posted was from 2023, I'm glad you've found a more recent one though, go you!


We'll beat 'em, one Twitter misinfomation post at a time.


**incoming 5000 random twitter links tangentially linked, but not actually relevant to what actually happend**

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12 hours ago, Gnasher said:


I posted numerous different pieces of evidence the main one I reported was from the former head of public prosecutions and the Dean of Manchester University Nazir Afzal. The only posters speaking truth on this page is myself and Cloggy. I've also provided information about what's going on in Tel Aviv,. 


As for evidence I'll use what I see fit. If you do not believe the man below or the tweet irritates you then vent your annoyance at those who refuse to accept truth. 







Negged for posting it a fourth time.


It's just unnecessary.

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41 minutes ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:


Negged for posting it a fourth time.


It's just unnecessary.


It was necessary to make my point. Last night I was the one sticking to the thread title and providing up to date information of what's going on. Israel thread, protests in Tel Aviv. I not only explained the reasons for the protests (although the reasons vary between factions) I provided the evidence. When the evidence was questioned after the Azil tweet (who's one of the most prominent lawyers in this country) I posted it again to point to ridiculousness of the person speading false information. I'd have thought when another poster (Cloggypops) sealed the deal once and for all with a link to the BBC the nonsense may have stopped but alas. You in contrast had a dig at me but not at the poster derailing the thread with his bullshit which was obviously not correct. Unless you also believe the Tel Aviv protests were from last year then I can give you another dozen or so links  



I note the last time you entered this thread was to rep a poster who had a dig at me. Maybe that's just a coincidence, maybe it's not. I haven't heard any of your own veiws on the thread title and Israeli operations in Gaza but then what you choose to post and choose not to post is up to you. I'd be grateful if you understood the same applies to me. In my opinion this is another case of playing the man not the ball. Otherwise i dont want to sound glib but if a few on topic links really are too much for you to take I can only suggest you use the ignore button. 


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It's easy to scroll past one word shit-posting. 


It's harder for pages to load, and therefore scroll past, tweets. There is no need, in any rational discussion, to repost the same tweet three times on a page. I don't care if it's from God himself. I know there were protests in Tel Aviv


It was not necessary to make your point. In fact, it detracted from it, as it came across as confused at best. I'm trying to cut you slack here, but honestly, I don't get how you're struggling with why such pointless repetition annoys someone.


I'm trying to play the ball here and not the man, but you certainly make it hard for yourself sometimes.

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