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Israel - A Rant


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Just now, TheHowieLama said:


I think all of the above falls under "stuff that will change massively over the next few years" and I agree. There will be alot of discussion/re-positioning on trade of all kinds. Not just with the West.

Stop selling them arms immediately, that does nothing about tomorrow - they have tons.


Unfortunately our actions since 1947 have rather shat on our ability to do much in the short term. 


Personally, I'd be fully in favour of the SAS taking Bibi from his bed during the night and skinning him alive in the street. But, well, it's unlikely.


I think changes could make a difference in terms of months rather than years though. It could force an emergency election, for example. 

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4 minutes ago, Jairzinho said:

I think changes could make a difference in terms of months rather than years though. It could force an emergency election, for example. 


Could be, international pressure is the best bet. Petered out in Ukraine though after years as you say.

Election in the UK?



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25 minutes ago, an tha said:

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer says the deaths of three British aid workers, killed in last night's Israeli air strike in Gaza, are "outrageous and unacceptable".

Starmer calls for international law to be upheld, saying that "we condemn this strike" and there must be "a full investigation and those responsible must be held to account".

"Humanitarian workers put their lives in danger to serve others," he says, and calls for the war to "stop now".

"Far too many innocent people have died in this conflict and more than a million are facing starvation."

Anti-Semitic twat 

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1 hour ago, Section_31 said:

"Thank you Gnasher"?


These tweets are available on Twitter, ever thought of going on Twitter?


Whats your fucking problem? Yeah and I'm relaying them onto the Israeli thread as it's an ongoing situation as I explained earlier. It's why even the CNN link gets continually updated . Its why CNN also use Twitter  You're a journalist are you not, so your 'stick it all in one post' quip was particularly fucking stupid on a story such as this. We've only recently found out three brits were amongst the dead for one. You understand journalists are banned from Gaza and Twitter is a lifeline to get information out? Or is the content that makes you feel uncomfortable? 


Anyway I've given my veiws on the situation named at the top of the thread. You've rarely given yours and when you have it's been to meekly to follow whatever the party line was at whatever given time. Do you believe we should stop selling arms to Israel? Who knows. Do you believe we should cut off ties? Who knows. Do you believe Labour freinds of Israel should now be disbanded who knows? Did you believe Labour took the right stance back when it became apparent the horrors which were unfolding? You've made 2 posts today on this thread without offering one single veiw. Just sly attacks on other posters. Same with the Reeves/Thatcher shit the other night, you didn't give an opinion on her speech then. 


I've been consistent in my stance, it's in my opinion been proved 100% correct and I make no apologies to the content I've posted to back up that point. Many from Palestinians on the ground.



What about you?  Or is it the content that so irks you? Anyway you've got a ignore button at your disposal as iI will NOT stop showing posts which show the absolute horror of war unless I'm banned. 



These people deserve to be heard. The suffering needs to be seen. 














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I don’t believe these latest snippets of leaked information (see thread on linked tweet). But, if we’re expected to do so, it’s surely time to cut ties with Israel. How can we back a military force that appears to have no functioning command structure and is now being portrayed as being made up of out of control break off groups who are ignoring orders and doing whatever they want to? 


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11 hours ago, an tha said:

3 Brits....imagine the flag shaggers outrage if these had been killed by some brown people....

  • John Chapman, 57,a United Kingdom citizen on the security team.
  • James (Jim) Henderson, 33, a UK citizen on the security team.
  • James Kirby, 47, a UK citizen on the security team.
  • Jacob Flickinger, 33, a US-Canadian dual citizen on the relief team.
  • Damian Sobol, 35, a Polish citizen on the relief team.
  • Lalzawmi (Zomi) Frankcom, 43, an Australian citizen and a lead on the relief team.
  • Saifeddin Issam, 25, a Palestinian on the relief team.
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2 hours ago, Nelly-Szoboszlai said:

I don’t believe these latest snippets of leaked information (see thread on linked tweet). But, if we’re expected to do so, it’s surely time to cut ties with Israel. How can we back a military force that appears to have no functioning command structure and is now being portrayed as being made up of out of control break off groups who are ignoring orders and doing whatever they want to? 




Cut ties is minimum

If this was in Yugoslavia or some African state there would be calls from the UN to send peacekeeping forces into the region to put a end to it

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2 minutes ago, TheHowieLama said:
  • John Chapman, 57,a United Kingdom citizen on the security team.
  • James (Jim) Henderson, 33, a UK citizen on the security team.
  • James Kirby, 47, a UK citizen on the security team.
  • Jacob Flickinger, 33, a US-Canadian dual citizen on the relief team.
  • Damian Sobol, 35, a Polish citizen on the relief team.
  • Lalzawmi (Zomi) Frankcom, 43, an Australian citizen and a lead on the relief team.
  • Saifeddin Issam, 25, a Palestinian on the relief team.



Much like those that work as coastguards in the lifeboats, woke liberal and traitors or something 

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7 hours ago, Arniepie said:




Former head of Labour friends of Israel. Its time to make that group a proscribed organisation. Ive said it time and time again, politicians from all parties cant wrap themselves around a Union flag then swan back and forth to a country such as Israel which is breaking international law and committing genocide and pledge alliance. 

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14 hours ago, Nelly-Szoboszlai said:

Wishful thinking. 

We’ll just swallow the complete bullshit of it being an accident. 


This fella who worked for the organisation doesn't think it was an accident. I make no apologies for repeating the fellas message and the platform he's chosen to speak on is irrelevant to most. The important thing is voices get heard. He's plainly speaking in grief. If others do not want to hear what this young man has to say it's OK, do not click on the link. 







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14 hours ago, Jurgen Knows said:

Nothing will be done. This is not the first time Brits get killed by Zionists.





Exactly. Here's the BBCs John Simpson. Information suppression, they've done it for years. They get shills to trawl social media to the same. Its why they ban journalists. 




And here's old Genocide Joe from not very long ago. 






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19 hours ago, TheHowieLama said:


Very little from the Palestinian side


Islamic Relief condemns killings of World Central Kitchen workers


The group says it is “outraged by yet another deadly attack on humanitarian workers”.

“Six months of Israeli bombing has turned Gaza into the world’s most dangerous place to deliver aid. More than 200 aid workers, mostly Palestinians, have been killed – the deadliest ever crisis for humanitarian workers,” a statement read.


live updates:




The Palestinian Red Crescent Society says the bodies of seven World Central Kitchen aid workers killed are being prepared for evacuation through the Rafah crossing between Gaza and Egypt.

The bodies were transported to the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Gaza’s Deir el-Balah city, and then to Abu Youssef al-Najjar Hospital in Rafah.


Ah good old Al Jazzera. They're excellent. Imo the best tv and Internet content on this war. They haven't a lot of opposition of course because almost all other mainstream journalists are banned, as you know. Al Jazzera regularly post reports from Gaza on twitter. Unfortunately the reports are soon be more infrequent. I'd have rather you put the link to the whole article rather than just a snippet but not to worry. I could reply if I wanted to read from Al Jazzera I'd go on Al Jazzera but even if I didn't like the source I'd simply scroll past it. 






Not sure the goal of those wanting even more information suppression to be honest. Inadvertently doing the work of Israeli security imo. In a fast moving war situation those on the ground will use and upload on whatever platform of information available. If that's uncomfortable for some then that's a problem for them. Others can of course (as you have above) put up their own links or information or relevant information/opinion from whatever source they see fit. Or share their own views. Not up to me, I couldn't care less or they can use the ignore button. 

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3 hours ago, Gnasher said:

The three brits at the bottom were apparently ex military, one was an ex Marine. Not sure how this is going to play out in the coming days tbh. 




Possibly mercenaries, but even if they were, they were providing security for aid workers and seem to have been directly employed by that aid organisation.


Either way, poor unfortunate brave bastards, all 7 of them.

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25 minutes ago, Jack the Sipper said:


Works for me, though I fear for this forum's servers if Labour win the next election.


edited to add






Ah my old mate Slipper, one of Israels biggest cheerleaders. Saw his name and thought he might come on to show a little humility for being totally and truly wrong this past 6 months but alas seems i overestimated the clown. Instead it's another pointlessly stupid post attacking another poster. Anyone want to gain his thoughts on the 3 dead British citizens? On second thoughts please don't.



While I'm on the subject of idiots, Richard Madeley. Oh how quickly gravity takes control and the reality of truth brings it all crashing down to earth. Even those on national TV who've spent the past six months putting a buffer in front of the atrocities being committed in Gaza have woken and realised supporting Israel will now just make them look ridiculous. Whats imo intresting here is that they've totally ignored the official explanations by Israel and declared yesterday's actions a deliberate war crime committed by Israel. Which is how they should have approached Israeli words from day one.


This morning GMB.



In fairness Maguires no mug and as an experienced journalist he's been fairly consistent in his criticism of Israel. 



One last point. If the polls were correct and around 76% wanted an immediate ceasefire before, public opinion is now only going to go one way. Maguire is right, attitudes to Israel by our politicans must change. We cannot have a state such a Israel being gaining interference in our politics. 


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6 minutes ago, Creator Supreme said:

Possibly mercenaries, but even if they were, they were providing security for aid workers and seem to have been directly employed by that aid organisation.


Either way, poor unfortunate brave bastards, all 7 of them.


Yeah I thought the same to be honest. I don't want to make silly gains out of three peoples deaths but I'm wondering where this leaves the Tommy Robinson  GB News mob. They love Israel and they (pretend) to worship our boys in the forces. They've been very quiet, they are rarely very quiet. Probably confused. 

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