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Minimum Wage

Spy Bee

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15 hours ago, Bjornebye said:

Show me where I’ve said that, we’re on about people on minimum wage here you stupid horrible prick. 


What bullshit? Thinking working people on minimum wage should have a comfortable life? The woman who works 40 hours a week minimum wage doesn’t deserve a contract phone or a car or sky tv to relax to when she puts her feet up? Fuck me. 

Go and post on the daily mail comments section you’ll fit right in there 

They should eat only bread and are allowed 30 minutes allocated leasure time per day. 50 lashings if they ask for a pay rise.

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15 hours ago, Clem H Fandango said:

Its okay for stig to label me a tory....but im not allowed to call him  retarded? somebody have a word with his mum?



Oh i forgot about that...he will use his mums death to score points over forumites on the net's.

They're not the same though are they? The comments you made were the kind of thing Rees Mogg would come out with.

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14 hours ago, Bjornebye said:



The only one here posting pissed appears to be you. Why would I apologise to you? And I’m not quoting random posts, they are your own words. Embarrassing. Look how angry you are that you’ve been held to account for your utter tripe. 

Alcoholics eventually turn into aggressive, bitter people.

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I do think the minimum wage is quite tough for some small businesses. But then if you can’t make money without exploiting people, is it really a viable business?


The thing that really winds me up is that really big businesses such as retailers like Tesco, Sainsburys, Asda, Next, etc. pay just a few bob over the minimum wage. The wages are not enough for families to live on, so their employees have to receive top ups through the benefits system. So the taxpayer is effectively subsidising these businesses to allow them to pay people poverty pay. I think there should be a higher minimum wage of £15 per hour for any business that employs more than 1000 people. These companies all make vast profits, so they should be told to suck it up.

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12 hours ago, Spy Bee said:

Bit nobody was paying £1.20 before minimum wage.


Has minimum wage made the lowest earners better off? Despite a near 50% rise in minimum wage over 5 years, I don't think any of the lowest earners are better off.


So, somebody hit somebody!


Don't you think there should be a minimum wage, or that it should be higher?

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Some of the poorest people I've ever met are the hardest working. Woman my Mrs knew had three jobs and was broke. She was a dinner lady, school cleaner then went to work in B&M. 


The richest people are often bottom feeders. Property flippers, speculators and the likes. The idea that the wealthy contribute more is horseshit, as was evidenced by covid, shop workers and care workers were essential, yet were and are paid pennies.


I read a thing a while ago about how the states and Western Europe were built by the protestant work ethic. Not the work ethic itself alone, but frugal lifestyles that meant people saved their money and had their own wealth.


That's exactly what our system doesn't want. It doesn't want you to have financial freedom, no matter how hard you work. It wants you treading hot coals so the fear of destitution keeps you motivated to eat shit.


Note too how poor our adult education system is. If you want to retrain for a better paid job good luck with that, unless you want to paint nails while speaking conversational Spanish.


I'm not into conspiracies but is it any surprise that after lockdown, when people saved money as they had nothing to spend it on (you couldn't get a builder in Liverpool as everyone had loads of money to spend on extensions and the likes), people were quitting jobs to pursue their dreams of, you know, happiness. The great resignation.


Then emerged a 'cost of living' crisis and now all same said people are broke again and fearing for the future.


* strokes chin.


So in the context of minimum wages it doesn't matter. Any rises barely touch the sides anyway and it's largely performance art. 


The issue is the fundamental stricture of our society and how wealth flows (doesn't flow) through it. The destructive evidence is around us for all to see. And that's not going to change until we hit rock bottom, which I fear we're not far off.

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43 minutes ago, Vincent Vega said:

I do think the minimum wage is quite tough for some small businesses. But then if you can’t make money without exploiting people, is it really a viable business?


The thing that really winds me up is that really big businesses such as retailers like Tesco, Sainsburys, Asda, Next, etc. pay just a few bob over the minimum wage. The wages are not enough for families to live on, so their employees have to receive top ups through the benefits system. So the taxpayer is effectively subsidising these businesses to allow them to pay people poverty pay. I think there should be a higher minimum wage of £15 per hour for any business that employs more than 1000 people. These companies all make vast profits, so they should be told to suck it up.


39 minutes ago, Arniepie said:

if you work for a living,you should be entitled to a decent standard of living.


In one of the richest county's in the world,in 2024,this is not necessarily the case  


My exact points. Cost of living is a serious issue and it pretty much comes down to greed from the top. 

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16 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

Some of the poorest people I've ever met are the hardest working. Woman my Mrs knew had three jobs and was broke. She was a dinner lady, school cleaner then went to work in B&M. 


The richest people are often bottom feeders. Property flippers, speculators and the likes. The idea that the wealthy contribute more is horseshit, as was evidenced by covid, shop workers and care workers were essential, yet were and are paid pennies.


I read a thing a while ago about how the states and Western Europe were built by the protestant work ethic. Not the work ethic itself alone, but frugal lifestyles that meant people saved their money and had their own wealth.


That's exactly what our system doesn't want. It doesn't want you to have financial freedom, no matter how hard you work. It wants you treading hot coals so the fear of destitution keeps you motivated to eat shit.


Note too how poor our adult education system is. If you want to retrain for a better paid job good luck with that, unless you want to paint nails while speaking conversational Spanish.


I'm not into conspiracies but is it any surprise that after lockdown, when people saved money as they had nothing to spend it on (you couldn't get a builder in Liverpool as everyone had loads of money to spend on extensions and the likes), people were quitting jobs to pursue their dreams of, you know, happiness. The great resignation.


Then emerged a 'cost of living' crisis and now all same said people are broke again and fearing for the future.


* strokes chin.


So in the context of minimum wages it doesn't matter. Any rises barely touch the sides anyway and it's largely performance art. 


The issue is the fundamental stricture of our society and how wealth flows (doesn't flow) through it. The destructive evidence is around us for all to see. And that's not going to change until we hit rock bottom, which I fear we're not far off.

there is a perception in this country that the richest people work the hardest (hence the fume over private schools..why should parent who work hard be punished?)

again it comes down to the serf like mentality we have in this country and boris johnson is a classic example of the flaw in this argument.   

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1 minute ago, Arniepie said:

there is a perception in this country that the richest people work the hardest (hence the fume over private schools..why should parent who work hard be punished?)

again it comes down to the serf like mentality we have in this country and boris johnson is a classic example of the flaw in this argument.   


It's just pure propaganda. 


I went with a mate to some funding thing years ago as he's got his own business and they were talking about Britain's entrepreneurial mindset being different to America. They said yanks by and large wanted to start a business and build an empire, whereas the Brits just wanted to sell up as soon as possible and retire. 


The whole culture is built on a quick buck and being a bum, it probably stems from the aristocracy. Form clubs to scratch each other's backs, get others to do your graft, be they peasants or slaves, then read the times and drink brandy while pretending you're erudite and sophisticated.

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30 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

Some of the poorest people I've ever met are the hardest working. Woman my Mrs knew had three jobs and was broke. She was a dinner lady, school cleaner then went to work in B&M. 


The richest people are often bottom feeders. Property flippers, speculators and the likes. The idea that the wealthy contribute more is horseshit, as was evidenced by covid, shop workers and care workers were essential, yet were and are paid pennies.


I read a thing a while ago about how the states and Western Europe were built by the protestant work ethic. Not the work ethic itself alone, but frugal lifestyles that meant people saved their money and had their own wealth.


That's exactly what our system doesn't want. It doesn't want you to have financial freedom, no matter how hard you work. It wants you treading hot coals so the fear of destitution keeps you motivated to eat shit.


Note too how poor our adult education system is. If you want to retrain for a better paid job good luck with that, unless you want to paint nails while speaking conversational Spanish.


I'm not into conspiracies but is it any surprise that after lockdown, when people saved money as they had nothing to spend it on (you couldn't get a builder in Liverpool as everyone had loads of money to spend on extensions and the likes), people were quitting jobs to pursue their dreams of, you know, happiness. The great resignation.


Then emerged a 'cost of living' crisis and now all same said people are broke again and fearing for the future.


* strokes chin.


So in the context of minimum wages it doesn't matter. Any rises barely touch the sides anyway and it's largely performance art. 


The issue is the fundamental stricture of our society and how wealth flows (doesn't flow) through it. The destructive evidence is around us for all to see. And that's not going to change until we hit rock bottom, which I fear we're not far off.

We need a good war....

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11 minutes ago, Arniepie said:

there is a perception in this country that the richest people work the hardest (hence the fume over private schools..why should parent who work hard be punished?)

again it comes down to the serf like mentality we have in this country and boris johnson is a classic example of the flaw in this argument.   

Shut up,you peasants!

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Her brother in the US is starting a new travel business in his late 50's. Basically entails him travelling here there and everywhere trying to nurture contacts and set things up. It's his dream and he will work until he drops. His nightmare is not being "connected". Fair play he deserves every reward he gets.


From my very first day in work I planned, schemed and dreamt of not working again.



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2 minutes ago, A Red said:

From my very first day in work I planned, schemed and dreamt of not working again.




Nowt wrong with that. There's also nothing wrong with nepotism, inheritance or using connections to get ahead.


What I don't like is when people don't acknowledge that fact and feed into the idea that rich = hard working and poor = lazy. It's done purely as an excuse to deliberately overlook the inequalities in society.


The great Arnold Schwarzenegger himself said: "There's no such thing as a self made man."

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I'm a farmer and I get up at 5am. I'm a fucking hero.


Don't then, go and work in B&M and give your land to someone who works there.


I'm immigrant Holly Vallance who spends her days spending her husband's money, I think the west Africans working in care homes should be sent back as they offer nothing to society.


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