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Minimum Wage

Spy Bee

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42 minutes ago, Clem H Fandango said:

£20 for the latest iphone then?


You started with phone contracts, then it was £55 a month & now it's the latest iPhone.


You're making it quite difficult to have a rational discussion so I'll leave you to it.

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Just now, Clem H Fandango said:

Where you gone @Bjornebye?


Please enlighten us mere mortals of your mere presence and your assumptions of everyone that have been here longer than thou?


Come on retard. or are you drunk?

Im sober, eating my tea and watching the snooker while you keep chasing me like a nonce at Alton towers 

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3 minutes ago, Mook said:


You started with phone contracts, then it was £55 a month & now it's the latest iPhone.


You're making it quite difficult to have a rational discussion so I'll leave you to it.

How is it difficult? Stop bumming stig and tell me what the latest iphone cost then on a monthly contract? instead of being a gaslighting cunt yeah?

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8 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

Im sober, eating my tea and watching the snooker while you keep chasing me like a nonce at Alton towers 

Point of Order: Can you really still call it ‘tea’ after 8pm?


Dinner, if you’re posh like me. Supper perhaps. A ‘late tea’ at a push. 

Other than that, as you were. 

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2 minutes ago, YorkshireRed said:

Point of Order: Can you really still call it ‘tea’ after 8pm?


Dinner, if you’re posh like me. Supper perhaps. A ‘late tea’ at a push. 

Other than that, as you were. 

Ooooh quite the conundrum. Will late tea cut it? I’ve got an aero selection box to open up for supper being the fat evil dwarf cunt that I am. 

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Was going to dig up the inequality thread to post this, but I'll post it here instead after having read the first couple pages:


In a report published back in 2021, Cerulli Associates calculated that over the coming 25 years, $84 trillion would be passed from older to younger generations. 

Cerulli senior analyst Chayce Horton just crunched the numbers again. “In 2024, that number has increased to $124 trillion over the next 25 years.”

There are a few reasons: inflation, soaring stock and home prices, plus increasing wealth concentration among the richest and oldest Americans. Horton said half of the great wealth transfer will come from just the top 2% of households — those dubbed “high net worth” by financial planners.

“Those with $10 million or more in net worth, roughly, now control about half the wealth, whereas that was closer to 40% the last time we did this,” said Horton. “Looking back to 2011, even adjusted for inflation, we’ve seen privately held wealth essentially double in the U.S., from around $80 trillion to around $155 trillion.”


Now I'll go back and read the rest of the thread.

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3 hours ago, Clem H Fandango said:

You think that layabouts are entitled to a brand new iphone whilst you work your ass off? thick cunt.


You think im a tory cos i dont agree with your bullshit? thick cunt.


You are a seriously thick cunt.



People on minimum wage=layabouts

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5 hours ago, A Red said:

It's up to companies to decide how much they pay their staff, market forces etc. (Minimum requirements excepted) a salary cap just wouldn't work.

A lot of companies would still be paying people £1.20 an hr,if they could they could get away with it.

The entire Premise of capitalism is based on exploitation 

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1 minute ago, Arniepie said:

A lot of companies would still be paying people £1.20 an hr,if they could they could get away with it.

The entire Premise of capitalism is based on exploitation 

Not sure what your point is, that is why there is a minimum wage.

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