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Fulham (H) - Sat 14th Dec 2024 (3:00pm)


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2 minutes ago, Megadrive Man said:


Pretty much!


I can smell Chris Suttons bullshit from where I'm sitting!

Is there that glass beam at the top of the stairs to your left at all? Or is that a bit behind you? I was right near where you are for Chelsea a few seasons back when we got a penalty just before half time (I’m sure it was Chelsea) and I’d already got out my seat and stayed at the top, other cunts had the same idea and I was pressed against that glass thinking fuck me if we score here im going through it 

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2 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

Is there that glass beam at the top of the stairs to your left at all? Or is that a bit behind you? I was right near where you are for Chelsea a few seasons back when we got a penalty just before half time (I’m sure it was Chelsea) and I’d already got out my seat and stayed at the top, other cunts had the same idea and I was pressed against that glass thinking fuck me if we score here im going through it 


Yes mate, it's too my right though.


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