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Fulham (H) - Sat 14th Dec 2024 (3:00pm)


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Hopefully Slot’s roasting of the players mid-week will lead to a better first half performance tomorrow. 

Fulham are a decent side, they tested us in all 4 games last season, we were fortunate-ish in the 2 games at Anfield. We’ll have to be better than we were on Wednesday full stop. 


I think there is only 1 question with the side for tomorrow - Nunez or Diaz up front, if Nunez, Gakpo or Diaz?


Personally I’d go Gakpo & Diaz, I did like Slot’s supportive comments of Nunez in his presser today, playing him might give him a bit of confidence. 

Rest of the side picks itself, IMO.


Just. Fucking. Win. 

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54 minutes ago, Scott_M said:


Personally I’d go Gakpo & Diaz, I did like Slot’s supportive comments of Nunez in his presser today, playing him might give him a bit of confidence. 

Just watched the press conference.

I can't help but really like Slot, he has already built up a rapport with some of the journos. He is a mix of Dutch honesty whilst still being personable. 

He mentioned the support the fans give Darwin at the ground, how the fans show real support for him because he needs it, and mentioned his workrate, the things he is also judged on. I hope that sets Darwin up for a good performance this weekend.

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Just now, TD_LFC said:

We won't win.

If we don't then we won't win the league. You can't throw these games away we need this gap to have a chance and these are the games you keep it or extend it. The players need to battle for everything. I'd be livid with half arsed liverpool showing up when we are in such a good place. I think we will win.


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