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Fulham (H) - Sat 14th Dec 2024 (3:00pm)


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2 minutes ago, Megadrive Man said:

Playing incredibly well all things considered.


Dom and Grav work so hard in the middle.


You wouldn't know we are down to ten men. We can win this if we score early in the second half.

Agreed on Dom and Grav, both have been good.

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2 minutes ago, waddy78 said:

If Kirkez (Bournemouth) is the preferred option then we need to make it happen in January, fuck this waiting for the summer January doesn't offer value Bull shit go out and spend some of our earnings instead of buying fucking Hockey teams

We have two left backs and neither of them play other positions. Unless there are long term injuries, we're not gonna buy someone in January and throw one of them in the reserves.

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How the f… is that denying a goal scoring opportunity. Wilson’s touch is literally a pass to Jimenez. There’s absolutely NO WAY Wilson gets to that ball before van Dijk


That being said, can’t wait to get Tsimikas back in the team. Robertson just makes too many dumb mistakes these days.

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Is our lack of intense starts, starting to catch us out? Newcastle away and today, we were very slow and second to everything.

We like to sit and take stock in first halves, to then up it better the break. Newcastle busted their balls in the first half against us and should've been 2 up.

Today, the same.

Clutching at straws i am maybe, or it's just one of those little runs that all teams go through.

Very frustrating

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2 minutes ago, niallers said:

Is our lack of intense starts, starting to catch us out? Newcastle away and today, we were very slow and second to everything.

We like to sit and take stock in first halves, to then up it better the break. Newcastle busted their balls in the first half against us and should've been 2 up.

Today, the same.

Clutching at straws i am maybe, or it's just one of those little runs that all teams go through.

Very frustrating

A run of 1 and a half games?


The draw away at newcastle was ok. Today isn't over yet.

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