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PODCAST: Girona 0 Liverpool 1 - Match Reaction

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Six wins from six, a place in the automatic qualifying places secured, but Arne Slot was far from happy with the performance despite the 1-0 scoreline.


TLW Editor Dave Usher is joined by Dan Thomas to chat about this game as well as to look ahead to the weekend visit of Fulham to Anfield and to discuss the news this week that David Coote has been sacked. 



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3 hours ago, kemskem said:

I think Nunez needs more than one goal to get his confidence back he needs a few in a short period of time before he can relax and not just hope to get it on target. It’s looking more at the moment he’ll leave us with a monkey on hi back though.


Yeah that's fair. Every journey starts with a small step though. Let's get the first goal and then worry about the next ones!

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4 hours ago, dave u said:

I was so close. And so pleased with myself.

One of the funniest moments in the podcast's history.


"I actually remember this guy's name..."


Dave then reels off 50 nationalities - all of which are incorrect - then completely murders the pronunciation of the poor guy's name.


A greater moment than the save itself.

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On 11/12/2024 at 17:33, Remmie said:

You were both doing well initially with pronunciation of the ref Chris Kavanagh, but then you both slipped into emphasising the 2nd syllable. 


I think I always say Ian Ush right so I think you can get it right too!


I always did get it right until Dan messed it up and now it's confused me.

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Hmmmm, the other one involves Spurs who are also away in Europe tonight but only at Rangers, so yeah that doesn't explain it. Especially considering the Mancs are in the same boat, playing away from home tonight to a team I've never heard of (standard!) and kicking off at 4:30 on Sunday.

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I reckon it might be about normalising all kinds of different kick off times ahead of the next TV deal negotiations. Apparently the PL and EFL want to end the Saturday blackout and open the door to basically televising every game over the weekend. 

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