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An Announcement From #TeamStacks

3 Stacks

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17 minutes ago, Torvald Utne said:

Archer: Whatever happened to "Team Archer?"

Cyril: Please tell me that was never a real thing to you


And why are you dressed like the whore the rest of the trailer park finally decided they had to stone to death?


Do the right thing, Cyril. You have nothing to live for.


Cyril, make sure it's good and tight. (pause) Haha, why are we still not doing phrasing?


I miss Archer, well the first few seasons up to the end of Archer vice and then it just went downhill

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5 hours ago, Remmie said:

Was it 'about 6 years ago' or do you know the exact time and date, what post it was and why he was wrong?


Hi Remmie.


This was a joke. I am riffing on the idea that I bear long-term grudges against people who offend or upset me in some way. Hope this helps.

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49 minutes ago, Strontium said:


Hi Remmie.


This was a joke. I am riffing on the idea that I bear long-term grudges against people who offend or upset me in some way. Hope this helps.

Hi Stronts, thanks for the explanation, it helps me hugely. 


I've just joined the list, haven't I?

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4 hours ago, Strontium said:


I could never put you on the list Rem. Not even for your stance on beans.

He's on plenty of lists already and we’re all just waiting for him to get sent down so we can jib Tony’s ma for the Ukrainian angel delight. 



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